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最近,结合学习贯彻《中共中央关于社会主义精神文明建设指导方针的决议》,我们对全县的职业道德教育情况进行了调查,并重点解剖了商业、卫生、教育三个系统。调查结果表明,大力加强职业道德教育,是社会主义道德建设的重要环节,是社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容,也是推进改革,加快经济建设步伐的有力保证。许多单位的实践证明,在新形势下搞好职业道德建设,必须彻底改变过去那种内容公式化、方法简单化、要求原则化的状况,而代之以职业道德教育在内容上的针对性和时代性、方法上的示范性和系统性、形式上的多样性和灵活性。在内容上加强针对性与时代性在职业道德教育过程中,有些单位往往不顾行业特点,忽视年龄特征和文化水准,同上一堂课,同念一本“经”,缺乏针对性。结果,不但降低了教育效果,而且使部 Recently, in combination with studying and implementing the “Resolution of the CPC Central Committee and Central Government on Guidelines for the Construction of a Socialist Spiritual Civilization,” we conducted a survey on the situation of professional ethics education in the county and focused on dissecting the three systems of commerce, health and education. The survey results show that vigorously strengthening professional ethics education is an important link in socialist morality construction and an important part of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. It is also a powerful guarantee for promoting reforms and accelerating the pace of economic construction. The practice of many units proves that under the new situation, to improve the construction of professional ethics, we must completely change the past that the content of the content of the formula, the method is simple and requires the principle of the situation, and replaced by the content of the professional ethics education targeted and the times Sexuality, methodological exemplary and systematic, formal diversity and flexibility. In the content to enhance the relevance and the times In the process of professional ethics education, some units tend to disregard the characteristics of the industry, ignoring the age characteristics and cultural standards, the same class, read a book, the lack of pertinence. As a result, not only the educational effect is reduced, but also the ministry
<正> 一火药的发明是我国对世界文明的伟大贡献之一。欧洲的火药是由我国传入的。在我国用火药制造火器而用于战争的历史已很长久,最早见于宋初。丘浚说:“太祖时始有火箭、
喉以下呼吸器官出血,经喉部咯出称为咯血。1.咯血首先要与呕血进行鉴别(1) 咯血前常有喉部作痒,血液随咳嗽而咯出,不伴恶心呕吐、血色鲜红或呈泡沫状,并常混有痰液,咯出血液
1 将一张纸卷成漏斗的形状,把它放在1号大瓶子瓶颈处,舀入4茶匙咖啡。将漏斗放在小瓶子B的瓶颈处,加入2茶匙盐和2茶匙咖啡。然后,再往小瓶子A里加入2茶匙盐。 1 Roll a piec
随着我校对有灵魂的教育研究不断深入,作为科任教师,也对灵魂课堂有了一个粗浅的认识。就所教的历史学科说一说初步想法与探索。 As my school continues to deepen the stu
通过对大梁开裂原因的分析,指出在设计和施工中应注意的事项,并为加固处理提供依据。 Through the analysis of the cause of the cracking of the girder, the points that