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档案收集是档案工作的重要组成部分,是档案工作的基础和起点。档案收集工作做得好不好,直接影响档案的数量和质量,与企业的经济效益、精神文明建设有着十分密切的关系。一、改变不重视企业档案收集的现状从目前看,许多企业对档案的收集工作并没有给予充分重视,导致企业档案门类单调,内容不全。主要表现为只注重收集红头文件,忽视其它材料;只注重收集通过秘书部门发的文件,忽视其它方面的文件;只注重收集单位、组织名义发的公文,忽视以个人名义形成的重要文件;只注重收集本企业主要的生产技术档案,忽视设备、基建等其它技术档案;只注重收集纸质文件材料,而忽视照片、录像带等。这种状况,对企业的生存和发展是很不利的,必须尽快改变。从档案人员本身来说,只有认识到本职工作的重要性,才能立足本职, Archives collection is an important part of the archives work and is the basis and starting point for archival work. File collection work done well, a direct impact on the number and quality of files, and the economic efficiency of enterprises, the construction of spiritual civilization has a very close relationship. First, the change does not pay attention to the status quo of corporate archives From the moment, many enterprises did not pay full attention to the collection of archives, resulting in monotonous corporate archives, incomplete content. Mainly focusing on collecting only the red tape and ignoring other materials; it only focuses on collecting documents sent through secretarial departments and ignoring documents from other sources; it only focuses on collecting units, organizing official documents on their behalf and ignoring important documents formed in the name of individuals; Focus on collecting the company's main production technology files, ignoring the equipment, infrastructure and other technical files; only focus on the collection of paper documents, while ignoring photos, videos and so on. This situation is very unfavorable to the survival and development of enterprises and must be changed as soon as possible. From the archivists themselves, only by recognizing the importance of their own work can they be based on their own duties,
2001年,我校获国家自然科学基金资助23项,资助金额565.5万元。这些项目是:数理科学部(18.5万元) In 2001, our school was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
今年是国际旅游年,本刊特予刊载有关旅游与建筑的文章,以示响应。当今,旅游事业已成为世界上发展最快、最富生 This year is the International Year of Tourism. The magaz
文章以《公民道德建设纲要》中的“爱国守法”为中心 ,论述了爱国是中华民族传统美德 ,指出爱国的内涵是在与时俱进地发展 ,结合我国当前实际阐明爱国的具体化在于认真实践党
前不久参加“中国经济大连高层论坛”,整个行程不到两天,却令笔者感慨良多。 首先是对主办方感到意外。此次论坛的主办者是北大经济学院和“中铁十九局第五公司”。和以往愿