Experimental study on He- Ne laser irradiation to inhibit scar fibroblast growth in culture

来源 :中华创伤杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FreshLearn
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To explore the inhibitory effect of He-Ne laser irradiation on fibroblast growth of hypertrophic scars in culture. Methods: He-Ne laser with wavelength of 632.8 nm,power density of 50 mW/cm2 and doses of 3 J/cm2,30 J/cm2, 90 J/cm2 and 180 J/cm2 was used to irradiate human scar fibroblasts in culture 1, 3 and 5 times respectively, and then the cell count and cell cycle analysis were done. Results: Repeated irradiation with He-Ne laser at dose of 180 J/cm2 three and five times led to an evident decrease in total cell number compared with that of the control group and there was a significant difference ( P <0.05). The cell cycle analysis showed after three and five times of irradiation with 180 J/cm2 He-Ne laser the cell number in S-phase decreased from 51% to 20% and 14% respectively, the cell number in G0/G1 phase increased from 28% to 55% and 60% respectively, and the cell percentage in Sub-G1 phase was 6.7% and 9.8% respectively. Conclusions: Repeated irradiation with 180 J/cm2 He-Ne laser can inhibit scar fibroblasts growth in culture.It may be that He-Ne laser irradiation causes cell stagnation in G0/G1 phase and apoptosis.
手足口病是婴儿和儿童的一种常见疾病.以发热、口腔溃疡和疱疹为特征.初始症状为低热、食欲减退、不适并常伴咽痛.发热1~2 d后出现口腔溃疡,开始为红色小疱疹,然后常变为溃疡.