Experimental study on interaction between membrane structures and wind environment

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuzhutoutuo
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The interaction between membrane structures and their environment can be either static or dynamic. Static interaction refers to interaction with static air, while dynamic interaction refers to wind and its effects. They can be evaluated by two parameters, added mass and radiation /aerodynamic damping, which are experimentally investigated in this study. The study includes the effects of both the static and dynamic interaction on structural dynamic characteristics, and the relationship between the interaction parameters and the covered area of a membrane structure for the static interaction and the relationship between the interaction parameters and wind direction and speed for the dynamic interaction. Experimental data show that the dynamic interaction is strongly correlated with the structural modes, i.e., the interaction of the symmetric modes is much larger than the anti-symmetric modes; and the influence of the dynamic interaction is significant in wind-induced response analysis and cannot be ignored. In addition, it is concluded that the structural natural frequency is remarkably decreased by this interaction, and the frequency band is significantly broadened. The interaction between membrane structures and their environment can be either static or dynamic. They can be evaluated by two parameters, added mass and radiation / aerodynamic damping, the study includes the effects of both the static and dynamic interaction on the structural dynamic characteristics, and the relationship between the interaction parameters and the covered area of ​​a membrane structure for the static interaction and the relationship between the interaction parameters and wind direction and speed for the dynamic interaction. Experimental data show that the dynamic interaction is strongly correlated with the structural modes, ie, the interaction of the symmetric modes is much larger than the anti-symmetric modes; and the influence of the dynamic interaction is significant in wind-induced response analysis an d can not be ignored. In addition, it is concluded that the structural natural frequency is remarkably decreased by this interaction, and the frequency band is significantly broadened.
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