
来源 :河北自学考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinasee_liang
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记得一位自考生说过,自考是世界上最好的大学,它给了我们普通大学学不到的部分:磨难。痛苦考验了我们的意志,也给了我们钢铁般的信心。在三年多的自考旅途中,我养成了勤奋的品质,因为我要靠勤奋才能通过考试;我也养成了坚韧的品质,因为我要战胜一次次的失望、退缩才能坚持到底……这些都是弥足珍贵的人生财富,值得我一生去珍视。而编者也曾经听一位早已退休的自考工作者充满感情的说过,人是感情动物,不但人与人之间有感情,人与事物之间也能磨合出感情。我与自学考试就有了常人难以想像的感情。自学考试改变了我的命运,我也早已把自己交给了自学考试。目前我虽已退休,但我的心仍然属于自学考试,每年都服从市考办的召唤到区县级考点巡视,并在我的社交圈内,不厌其烦地宣传自考,动员人们走自学成才之路。当爱人问我为何退休了还管闲事时,我则自豪地告诉她:是自学考试改变了我的命运,我与自学考试已是今生情难了。老少两代人,一个是自学考试考生,一个是自学考试工作人员,他们对自学考试充满感情的话语,无疑正是自学考试的魅力所在。编者作为一名自考杂志的采编人员,接触过形形色色的自考生和自考工作人员,他们几乎都把自考生涯当作人生中最宝贵的一段经历。它犹如一次忆苦思甜的精神之旅,时刻提醒人们珍惜光阴。而在自考中积淀下来的人生经验又为他们走好人生之路打下了坚实基础。在此后的工作中,谁也难免遇到种种挫折,但自考经历告诉他们:不要放弃,不懈努力!这已成为自考人的一个坚定信念。时间在不舍昼夜地流淌,它可以冲刷我们人生的种种记忆,但无法洗尽自考人的自考印迹。自考已被镌刻在了这些人的人生里程碑上,并且将被永远珍藏在每个人的心底。 I remember one since the candidates said that self-examination is the best university in the world, it gave us an unachievable part of ordinary university: tribulation. Pain has tested our will and given us steel confidence. In the self-taught journey of more than three years, I have developed a diligent quality because I have to rely on diligence to pass the examination. I have also developed a tough quality because I have to overcome the disappointment again and again, and can I stay in the end. These are precious life wealth, it is worth my life to cherish. The editor has also listened to a self-examining worker who has already retired full of feelings that people are emotional animals, not only people have feelings, people and things can also run in between feelings. I have a self-taught test unimaginable feelings of ordinary people. Self-study exam has changed my destiny, I have already handed myself to the self-study exam. Although I am currently retired, my heart still belongs to self-study examinations. Every year, I submit to the district-level examinations for summonses. In my social circle, I take the trouble to promote myself and mobilize people to learn self-taught. . When my sweetheart asked me why I retired and meddled in business, I proudly told her that it was my self-study exam that changed my destiny. Two generations of young and old, one is a self-study exam candidates, one is a self-study exam staff, their self-study exam full of feelings of words, is undoubtedly the charm of self-study exam. Editor as a self-study magazine editor, contact with all kinds of self-test staff and self-examination staff, almost all of them self-taught career as life’s most valuable period of experience. It is like a sweet journey of memories, always remind people cherish the time. The experience of life accumulated in self-examination laid a solid foundation for them to take a good life. In the future work, no one will inevitably encounter all kinds of setbacks, but self-taught experience tells them: do not give up, make unremitting efforts! This has become a self-examination of a firm belief. Time flies round the clock, it can wash away all kinds of memories of our lives, but can not wash away the self-test copy of the test. Self-examination has been engraved on these people’s life milestones and will be forever cherished in everyone’s heart.
阐述了内燃机缸内三维流场测量装置的测量原理及结构,并成功地应用于四气门柴油机缸内流场的测试。 The measuring principle and structure of three-dimensional flow fiel