The Soviet Union’s age and educational psychology were established in the sharp and complicated struggle of psychosomatic idealism and mechanism from the 1920s. Burson-Marsteller, Vygotsky, Basov and Leon A large number of distinguished psychologists have made outstanding contributions to the construction and research of this discipline. Soviet psychologists believe that the development of the mind is a regular, subordinated to its own internal logic, spiraling process. The entire regularity of the psychological development of children exists and is manifested only in the “space” where children interact with each other. Children’s psychology is developed in the interaction with parents, teachers and so on, and the process of psychological development can be purposefully controlled. The main achievements of Soviet educational psychology in recognizing process psychology are: determining the age standard for mastering knowledge; and thoroughly studying a series of original teaching methods such as program teaching and questioning teaching. Computer teaching plays an active role in promoting the process of cognition. The use of computer work can often be hidden in the internal psychological process clearly shown to be simulated and research, the Soviet psychology community is now in-depth study of this area. In recent years, the research field of age and educational psychology is expanding constantly. It includes not only the teaching problems of ordinary schools but also all levels of vocational education. The study of the psychological problems in the vocational education system occupies a very important position.