
来源 :学前教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:besunqz
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目前,我国广大农村幼儿园由于缺乏经费,教具学具贫乏。致使幼儿教育出现“小学化”或“放羊式”两种极端现象。鉴于这种状况,我们设想把算盘引进幼儿园的教学、游戏活动中,为广大的农村幼儿园寻找既经济又实用的教具和学具。我们认为算盘既经济,又有利于发展幼儿思维能力。为了证实这点,从1991年年底到1992年4月我们在江西省直属机关保育院大四班开展了珠算实验。实验开始前我们在实验班(大四班)和对照班(大三班)进行幼儿韦氏智力测验,发现两班幼儿智力水平无差异。经过一学期的实验,实验班幼儿思维活动明显优于对照班。 At present, due to a lack of funds, the majority of rural kindergartens in our country have poor teaching aids. As a result, there are two extreme phenomena of “elementary school” or “sheep-grazing” in early childhood education. In view of this situation, we envisaged the introduction of abacus into the kindergarten teaching and game activities and the search for economical and practical teaching aids and learning tools for the vast rural kindergartens. We believe that abacus is both economical and conducive to the development of young children’s thinking ability. In order to confirm this point, from the end of 1991 to April 1992, we carried out the abacus experiment in the fourth class of the organ of institutions under the jurisdiction of Jiangxi Province. Before the experiment, we conducted Wechsler Intelligence Test for preschool children in the experimental class (senior year) and control class (junior year), and found no difference in intelligence level between the two classes. After a semester of experiment, experimental class children’s thinking activity was significantly better than the control class.
下雨时,小雨点很调皮,到处乱跑。一会儿跑到这儿,一会儿跑到那儿,太阳妈妈找得急死了。雨停了,小雨点儿到哪儿去了?原来妈妈把他们都找回家了。 Rain, raindrops are naught
一个双目失明的少女在某一年的夏天被绑架了。少女除了知道拐骗她的好像是一对青年夫妇和曾被关在海边一间小屋以外,别的就什么也不知道 A blinded girl was abducted in th
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编辑同志:某省科协为人民团体,其工作人员参照公务员法管理。该省科协副主席张某因违纪需受到党纪处分,担任的省科协副主席职务应予撤销。请问建议撤销张某省科协副主席 Edi