散得去的硝烟 驱不走的阴云——伊拉克战争对世界经济的影响

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年初,在预测今年的世界经济走势时,伊拉克战争是否会爆发成了最大的变量。世界各国以及各国际组织均担心,战争一旦爆发会给脆弱的世界经济带来消极影响,造成的损失可能会大于战争本身的直接破坏。伊战爆发后,各方针对这一可能的影响又进行了进一步的分析和预测。目前的战事进展态势尚符合有利于经济发展的假设战争爆发前,美国国际战略研究中心(CSIS)和牛津经济预测中心等研究机构对战争对经济的影响进行了评估。 At the beginning of this year, whether the Iraq war broke out became the biggest variable when predicting the world economic trend this year. All countries in the world and other international organizations are worried that the outbreak of a war will have a negative impact on the fragile world economy and the losses may be greater than the direct destruction of the war itself. After the Iraq war broke out, all parties conducted further analyzes and forecasts on this possible impact. The current war situation is still in line with the assumption of conducive to economic development Before the war broke out, the United States International Center for Strategic Studies (CSIS) and Oxford Economic Forecasting Center and other research institutions on the impact of war on the economy were assessed.
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摘要:总监理工程师是监理机构的重要负责人,因此,总监应树立全局观念,系统地观察问题、解决问题,强调项目系统目标的一致性,实现项目监理工作的整体优化。本文主要对如何做好石化系统总监理工程师进行了探讨。  关键词:石化系统;工程建设;总监理工程师;工作方法  中图分类号:U415.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:  引言  我国自提出推行工程监理制度,经历了准备阶段(1988 年)、试点阶段(1989~
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