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吉林省通化县三棵榆树公社,在农业学大寨运动中怀着对毛主席无产阶级革命路线的深厚感情,遵照毛主席关于“中国人民有志气,有能力,一定要在不远的将来,赶上和超过世界先进水平”的教导,在一千多亩的土地上进行了赤眼蜂防治玉米螟的试验,玉米螟遗留虫量降低69.6%,为防治玉米螟找到了一种有前途的新方法。利用赤眼蜂防治玉米螟,经30个点(重点50株)解剖了1500株玉米,凡放蜂三次的平均每株遗留虫量为0.5,较对照降低69.6(未放蜂的平均每株遗留虫量2.14)。同时发现距放蜂地块 In Tonghua County, Jilin Province, the elm commune of Shuangzhai, with its deep feelings toward Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line in the Dazhai Movement of Agriculture, complied with Chairman Mao’s remark that “the Chinese people are ambitious and capable and must, in the near future, Catch up with and surpass the world’s advanced level, ”the Trichogramma test was conducted on more than 1,000 acres of land. The remaining amount of the corn borer was reduced by 69.6%, finding a promising future for the control of the corn borer new method. The use of trichogramma control corn borer, the 30 points (50 key) dissected 1,500 maize, where the average beekeeping three times per worm was 0.5, compared with the control 69.6 Insect 2.14). At the same time found that the block from the put
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1957年,作者等在山西雁北地区山阴县对土名“莞豆粘虫”的莞豆害虫进行了系统研究,所谓莞豆粘虫,实际是包括为害莞豆苗荚的几种鳞翅目幼虫,其中主要虫种为 Y 纹夜蛾(Phytome