
来源 :宁夏林业通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Thunder_
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2月24-25日,自治区党委副书记崔波、自治区政府副主席曾一春深入青铜峡市树新林场、宁夏金沙林场调研国有林场改革工作,自治区林业厅党组书记、厅长马金元,吴忠市委、政府有关领导陪同调研。崔波、曾一春与林场负责同志座谈交流,认真听取了林场职工对林场改革发展的意见建议,了解林场 From February 24 to February 25, Cui Bo, deputy secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region, Zeng Yichun, deputy chairman of the autonomous region government went deep into the Shuxin Forest Farm of Qingtongxia City and the Sands Forestry Center of Ningxia to investigate the reform work of the state-owned forest farms. The party secretary and director of the Forestry Bureau of the Autonomous Region Ma Jinyuan and Wu Zhong , The government leaders accompanied research. Cui Bo, Zeng Yichun and responsible comrades in charge of forest exchange and discussion, listened carefully forestry workers on the forest reform and development suggestions, understand the forest farm
Thinning is an important activity employed in forest management. To date, studies have mainly focused on the effects of thinning on the growth of trees during t
《物联网技术》杂志是目前唯一一本经国家新闻出版总署批准的物联网专业科技期刊。国内刊号:CN 61-1483/TP,国际刊号:ISSN 2095-1302,邮发代号:52-253,杂志为月刊,每月20日出
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