
来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:evaxiang
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今年年初,许多省、市出现了市场销售转旺和工业生产稳步回升的好势头。怎样科学地评价和分析当前市场经济形势、发现市场上出现的新问题,并据此制订相应的对策,这对于进一步启动市场,使经济形势继续向好的方向发展,有着十分重要的意义。不久前结束的七届全国人大四次会议通过的十年发展纲要指出,今后十年,我们在经济改革中要坚持计划经济与市场调节相结合的原则,初步建立起社会主义有计划商品经济的新体制。应当说,目前我们认识和驾驭市场,更好地运用市场机制推动经济发展的本领还不够大,在这方面还大有文章可做。今年的市场究竟会怎样,需要各级政府经济部门的同志共同来认真观察、总结、分析。这篇文章反映的情况和江苏经济界一些同志的观点,可供各地参考。 At the beginning of this year, many provinces and cities had a good momentum of market sales and steady rise in industrial production. How to scientifically evaluate and analyze the current market economic situation and find new problems in the market, and formulate corresponding countermeasures accordingly, which is of great significance for further starting the market and making the economic situation continue to develop in a good direction. The ten-year development outline adopted by the Fourth Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress concluded not long ago pointed out that in the next decade, we must adhere to the principle of combining planned economy with market adjustment in the economic reforms and initially establish a planned socialist commodity economy. New system. It should be said that at present, we know and control the market, and the ability to use the market mechanism to promote economic development is not big enough. There are still plenty of articles to do in this respect. What will happen to the market this year will require the comrades of the economic departments at all levels of government to work together to observe, summarize and analyze it. The situation reflected in this article and the views of some comrades in the Jiangsu economic community are available for reference.
创新是教育生命力之所在 ,是人类社会发展的主题 ,院校教育在培养创新精神和创造型人才方面 ,肩负着特殊的使命。本文从武警部队的实际情况出发 ,论述了武警院校应从教育思想
有些副词有两种形式:一是与形容词同形;另外一种呢,还加了一个-ly尾巴。你知道它们的差别吗?它们或小或大,足以在考试中把你弄得晕头转向。    1. clean and cleanly  副词clean完全不是“干净的”的意思,而是“径直地,完全地”意思。  The bullet went clean through his arm. 子弹完全穿过了他的胳膊。  I clean forgot ab
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15年前,本刊第一期有一篇题为《学习马列主义研究国际贸易》的弁言,可以看作是发刊词,寥寥数百字,主要段落可摘抄如下: “……要用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法去分析问题,