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陆天明:国家一级编剧,中国作家协会主席团成员。1943年生于昆明,长于上海。十二岁发表作品,十四岁去安徽当“祖国弟一代有文化的农民”,后因病返沪,病愈后又去新疆生产建设兵团。20世纪70年代初,创作了第一个大型作品,话剧《扬帆万里》。1975年底奉调进京,就职于中央广播文工团电视剧团编导组。80年代初至今任中国电视剧制作中心专职编剧。主要作品有中篇小说集《啊,野麻花》,长篇小说《桑那高地的太阳》、《泥日》、《木凸》、《苍天在上》、《大雪无痕》、《省委书记》、《高纬度战栗》等。作品多次获国家各种奖项,作为有特殊贡献的中青年专家,享受国务院特殊津贴。 Lu Tianming: a writer at the national level and a member of the bureau of the Chinese Writers Association. Born in 1943 in Kunming, longer than Shanghai. At the age of twelve, he published works and went to Anhui at the age of fourteen as “a generation of civilized peasants of the ancestral brother generation.” After returning to Shanghai for illness, he returned to Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps for his illness. The early 1970s, the creation of the first large-scale works, drama “sail the sea.” At the end of 1975, he was transferred to Beijing and worked for the director group of the Central Radio and Television Group. Since the early 1980s, he has been a full-time screenwriter in China’s TV drama production center. His major works include the novella “Ah, Wild Twist”, the novel Sun in the Highland of Sangria, Mud Day, Woodward, Heaven on the Sky, Snowfall, “,” Trembling high latitudes "and so on. His works have won various national prizes on many occasions. As special middle-aged and young experts who enjoy special enjoyment from the State Council,
淀粉∶六偏磷酸钠∶乙酸酐(质量比)=100∶2∶7.5,温度50℃,pH值11.0,反应时间分别为:磷酸化交联4 h,乙酰化交联3h的最佳条件下,对玉米淀粉进行了乙酰化改性;通过SEM对淀粉、
已知疫苗接种后可发生皮肌炎。本文报道了1例皮肌炎,时间上的联系和临床表现均提示与流感疫苗接种有关。 1名68岁的健康妇女在左上臂肌肉注射流感疫苗后两周,注射部位出现肿