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国际象棋世界冠军加里·卡斯帕罗夫正在领头反对国际象棋的主管组织一世界象棋联合会,争取让优秀棋手们在经管这项运动方面享有更大的发言权。这位二十三岁的苏联人最近发起了一项运动,从总部设在瑞士的世界象棋联合会手中夺取某些权力。他准备组织一个独立的特级大师协会。其目的是结束国际象棋的晦人沉闷的现象,使之更富有生气,和提高优秀棋手的经济收入。国际象棋运动当前的状况是,由世界象棋联合会来组织个人的和团体的世界锦标赛,并由它来制定比赛规则。在这个组织里,一百二十四个会员国都有均等的发言权, Chess world champion Gary Kasparov is leading the fight against chess organizers a World Chess Federation, to strive for the best chess players have a greater say in the management of the sport. The 23-year-old Soviet recently launched a campaign to seize some power from the World Federation of Chess, headquartered in Switzerland. He is preparing to organize an independent Association of Grand Masters. Its purpose is to put an end to the gloomy chess phenomenon of chess, to make it more dynamic and to raise the economic income of good chess players. The current state of the chess movement is that the World Chess Federation organizes the individual and group world championships, which are used to establish the rules of the game. In this organization, one hundred and twenty-four Member States have an equal say,
β-blockers have been recommended as a standardtreatment for patients with mild to moderate systolicchronic heart failure(CHF)because they not only relievepati
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公路接云天,车流在向前。走在扬天公路泗大公路仪征收费站,一股文明新风扑面而来。 收费站位于扬天和泗大公路交汇处的仪征市大仪镇,是根据省政府苏政复(1998)63号文的批复
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Background Pulmonary-vein isolation (PVI) is currently used for the treatment of chronic and paroxysmal atrialfibrillation and a major risk of PVI is thromboem