1.采用FRP制造汽车的必然趋势 众所周知,钢铁是制造汽车的传统材料。然而,随着科技的不断发展,汽车材料正在发生革命性的变化。在众多新的汽车材料中,FRP可谓一枝独秀。 FRP具有高强、轻质、耐腐蚀、加工性能好等优点,因而是加工汽车部件(特别是壳体部件)较理想的材料。据资料报道,1988年汽车制造业的FRP消耗量,美国为31.5万吨,占该国FRP总耗量的26.1%;加拿大为2.6万吨,占30.4%。又如美国通用汽车公司的通用微型旅行车(APV),该车的FRP
1. The inevitable trend of using FRP to manufacture cars It is well known that steel is the traditional material for making cars. However, with the continuous development of science and technology, the automotive materials are undergoing a revolutionary change. In many new automotive materials, FRP can be described as thriving. FRP has the advantages of high strength, light weight, corrosion resistance and good processability. Therefore, FRP is the ideal material for processing automobile parts (especially shell parts). According to statistics, FRP consumption in the automotive manufacturing industry in 1988 was 315,000 tons in the United States, accounting for 26.1% of the total FRP consumption in the country and 26,000 tons in Canada, accounting for 30.4%. Another example is the United States General Motors General Microtar (APV), the car’s FRP