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1977年,粉碎“四人帮”后的清明节,一位老者,手拄拐杖,步履艰难,来到安徽省安庆市北郊叶家冲。他穿过松树、杉木丛林,东看看西找找,却什么也没寻到,心急如焚,喃喃地说:“墓明明在这里,墓碑和华表怎么不见了呢?难道墓被人挖了?”这位老者,就是陈独秀三子陈松年。早年,他因年幼未追随父兄参加革命,哥哥陈延年、陈乔年牺牲后,他一直在家乡,后从事教书。1942年5月27日,陈独秀在四川江津(今属重庆)去世。1947年6月,陈松年隐名埋姓将父亲灵柩运回故里安庆,与生母高氏夫人合家于北郊叶家冲。陈松年以几兄弟之名镌刻泣立碑石。打那以后,每逢清明时节,他都要来这里扫墓祭祀父母,并覆盖上几锹新土。在“文化大革命”中,陈独秀被当作全国最大的右倾 In 1977, after the smashing of the “gang of four”, the Ching Ming Festival, an old man with crutches on his hand, struggled hard to come to Ye Jiachong, the northern suburb of Anqing City, Anhui Province. He crossed the pine, fir jungle, East look west to find, but did not find anything, anxious, murmured: “Tomb clearly here, tombstone and Wah Biao how gone? ? ”The old man, that is, Chen Duxiu three sons Chen Song years. Early years, he did not follow his younger brother to participate in the revolution, his brother Chen Yannian, Chen Qiao years after sacrificing, he has been in his hometown, after teaching. May 27, 1942, Chen Duxiu in Jiangjin, Sichuan (now Chongqing) died. In June 1947, Chen Songnian secluded surname will be the father of the Holy Spirit transported back to his hometown Anqing, and his mother, Mrs. Gao’s family in the northern suburbs of Ye Ka Chong. Chen Song years in the name of a few brothers engraved weeping stone monument. After that, during the Ching Ming Festival, he will have to visit his grave to sacrifice his parents and cover the new spade soil. In the “Cultural Revolution”, Chen Duxiu was regarded as the largest right-leaning nationwide
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近年来,江西省大余县围绕工业园区就近就地培训转移就业这条主线,积极探索劳动力资源与企业用工有效对接的机制,按照“政府主导、部 In recent years, Dayu County in Jiang