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俗话说严父慈母,但父亲对我们的关爱却一点也不比母亲少。慈父严师这个称谓放在父亲身上一点也不为过。我想,他也会很享受这个称谓。记得幼时,幼儿园离家有几站路,总是父亲骑着自行车接送姐姐和我。由于父母工作繁忙,我们姐俩全托制每周才回家一次,自然每次看到父亲骑车来接我们都会特别高兴。那时看到周边的一切都感觉特别巨大,甚至父亲的自行车都是个庞然大物。那时我坐在自行车的横梁上,姐姐坐在车后座,一路上父亲会和我们姐妹说点什么,但说的什么都不记得了,大概都是在幼儿园的生活吧。然而有件事却记忆深刻。记得那天是星期六,父亲来幼儿园接我们。当时我在幼儿园生病了,被隔离在医务室不让回家,父亲只接回了姐姐。回到家中的父亲心里一直惦念着我,放心不下的他又骑着自行车来到幼儿园,和老师说 As the saying goes father and mother, but his father’s love for us is nothing less than the mother. It is no excuse for the father-in-law to place this title on his father. I think he will enjoy this title too. I remember when I was young, kindergarten away from home a few stops, always father riding a bike to send my sister and I. Due to the busy working parents, both of us have to go home once a week with our full trusteeship, and we are especially pleased to see my father cycling to pick us up. At that time, everything around me felt particularly huge, even my father’s bicycle was a monster. At that time I sat on the beam of the bicycle, my sister sitting in the back seat of the car, my father and sister along the way to say something, but said nothing said, probably in kindergarten life. However, there is a memorable event. I remember that day is Saturday, my father came to kindergarten us. At that time I was sick in kindergarten, was isolated in the infirmary not to go home, my father only took back the sister. Back to my father’s heart has been pondering me, rest assured he was riding a bike to kindergarten, and the teacher said
本文从热力学原理出发,提出了电池反应与电池“互译”中的“状态等同”原则及其相关问题,分析讨论了仅按质量守恒原则处理问题的不完备性。 Based on the principle of ther
本文从热力学角度就影响化学平衡的各国素进行综合的的分析,探讨其对气相化学反应中的目的产物的平衡含量所产生的影响。 In this paper, thermodynamic analysis of the va
Note:ETDZ,BA,HIDZ,IP,liP,STP and SEZ stand for economic and technological development zone,bonded area,high—tech industrialdevelopment zone,new technologies de
【摘要】精心的教学设计能够促进课堂教学的有效开展。  【关键词】教学设计;有效教学;课堂教学  【中图分类号】G632.421 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5158(2012)11-0262-01  英语教学不仅是知识的传递,而且还涉及到技能、情感、态度等诸多方面的教学。有效的英语课堂教学尤为重要,那么如何实现英语有效教学呢?英语课堂教学是有效教学的一个重要环节,但是精心的教学设计也是