
来源 :中学生英语·中考指导版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lichunhui128
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  ( )1. —Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight?
  —I’d love to, I have lots of work to do.
  A. so B. or C. and D. but
  ( )2. —You saw the film Harry Potter last night, didn’t you?
  —Yes, I missed the beginning.
  A. and B. so
  C. but D. then
  ( )3. —Who will teach you to swim this summer?
  —The twins. Because Lily
  Lucy swim very well.
  A. both; and B. neither; nor
  C. either; or D. not only; but also
  ( )4. —I hear a new film is on these days. Shall we go to the cinema together, Lucy and Lily?
  — Lily I will go with you because one of us must be at home to help our father in the garden.
  A. Either; nor B. Either; or
  C. Neither; nor D. Both; and
  ( )5. —Sam, you don’t work hard at geography.
  —My dad says that the world is changing every day, I have decided to wait until it stops.
  A. because B. while
  C. if D. so
  ( )6. Work hard, you may catch up with your classmates soon.
  A. or B. but C. and D. yet
  ( )7. —Work hard, you won’t do well in your lesson.
  —OK. I will.
  A. and B. so
  C. or D. but
  ( )8. —There are many pictures in the book.
  —Great! it will be hard for
  young children to read.
  A. And B. Or C. But D. If
  [Keys: 1~8 DCABDCCB]
  ( )1. —I hear that Yi Zhongtian will come to Wuhan and give a talk.
  —Really? Do you know ?
  A. what will he talk about
  B. where he will give the talk
  C. how will he come
  D. when will he arrive
  ( )2. —Nobody knows he was after he graduated from Beijing University.
  —But I was once told he was a doctor working in a faraway village.
  A. what B. who
  C. where D. how
  ( )3. —Alice, Rita called you just now when you were out.
  —Did she say when me again, Dad?
  A. she will call
  B. would she call
  C. she would call
  D. would call she
  [Keys: 1~3 BAC]
  ( )1. —Tomorrow will be Father’s Day. What will you do for your father?
  —I will say “I love you, Daddy” as soon as he up.
  A. will wake B. is waking C. wakes D. woke   ( )2. I won’t take part in the party Joe invites me.
  A. if B. when
  C. unless D. because
  ( )3. I will never forget that terrible accident it happened so long ago.
  A. only if B. even though
  C. only when D. ever since
  ( )4. The skirt still looks pretty on you,
  it is kind of out of style.
  A. though B. but C. for
  ( )5. She worked so quietly no one knew she was there.
  A. which B. after
  C. as D. that
  [Keys: 1~5 CCBAD]
  ( )1. —Have you found the information about famous people you can use for the report?
  —Not yet, I’ll search some on the Internet.
  A. which B. who
  C. what D. whom
  ( )2. —Have you been to the new Sports Centre is just opened in town?
  —No, not yet.
  A. where B. who
  C. that D. when
  ( )3. —Barbara, where do you work?
  —I work for a company sells cars.
  A. which B. where
  C. what D. who
  ( )4. —Do you know the man is running along the street?
  —Yes. He is our English teacher.
  A. who B. which
  C. whom D. what
  [Keys: 1~4 ACAA]
  ( )1. I don’t know when . When he
  , I’ll call you.
  A. will he come; will come
  B. he will come; comes
  C. he comes; will come
  D. comes he; comes
  ( )2. He doesn’t tell me when he . I’ll telephone you as soon as he .
  A. will come; comes
  B. will come; will come
  C. comes; will come
  D. comes; comes
  [Keys: 1~2 BA]
1960年6月18日,现代著名学者胡适应邀在台南成功大学的毕业典礼上为毕业生做了一场题为《一个防身药方的三味药》的讲演,为即将进入社会的大学生开出了三味药,它们分别是“问题丹”、“ 兴趣散”和“信心汤”。 我认为这三味药同样也适用于我们中学生的英语学习。  “问题丹”  第一味药叫做“问题丹”。就是说,每个人离开学校,总得带一两个麻烦而有趣味的问题在身边做伴。胡适认为“问题是第一要紧的救命宝丹”,
Life is a long journey, there are a lot of scenery in the journey. However, there must be an idyllic (田园诗般的) scenery hiding in our subconsciousness (潜意识). We see ourselves on a long trip that spans th
《饭没了秀》节目组来我们幼儿园选孩子,编导告诉我他们选拔的条件:年龄在4~5岁半之间,语言表达能力强,思维活跃,活泼可爱,最好还有点儿“小调皮”。  对照选拔条件,老师们纷纷将各自班上符合条件的孩子带到了办公室,编导让他们一字排开坐到了沙发上。当孩子们落座后,我发现来参加选拔的二十多个孩子好像被刻意划分过一样,一边是安安静静、十分规矩地坐着等待编导发话的“乖宝宝”,一边是叽叽喳喳、异常活跃地说个不