Genetic Types of Diamond Mineralization

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thedogstar
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The paper describes the proposed models of diamond formation both in meteoritesand in kimberlite and lamproite bodies, metamorphic complexes and explosive-ring structures(“astroblemes” ). The diamond distribution in meteorites (chondrites, iron meteorites and ure-ilites) is restricted to taenite-kamasite phase. The diamond generation here is tied up with thefirst stage of evolution of the planets. This stage is characterized by high pressure of hydrogen,leading to the formation of the planet envelope. The second stage of planet evolution beganwith the progressive impoverishment of their atmospheres in hydrogen due to its predominantemission into the space and to progressive development of oxidative conditions. The model ap-pears to have proved the relict nature of diamond mineralization in meteorites.Diamond and other high-pressure minerals (its “satellites” ) were crystallized without anyexception in the early intratelluric stages of peridotite and eclogite-pyroxenite magma evolutionjust before the magma intrusion into the higher levels of the mantle and crust where diamond isnot thermodynamically stable. The ultramafic intrusive bodies (bearing rich relict diamonds) inthe base of a plat form appear to be the substrata for the formation of kimberlite-lamproite mag-ma chambers as a result of magmatic replacement. The model explains the polyfacial nature ofdiamondiferous eclogites, pyroxenites and peridotites and discusses the process of inheritance oftheir diamond mineralization by kimberlites and lamproites.Diamond productivity of metamorphic complexes is originated by the inheritance of theirdiamonds from the above-mentioned primary diamondiferous rocks. Larae diamondiferous ex-plosive-ring structures were formed by high-energy endogenic explosions of fluid which camefrom the Earth’s core. This high energy differs endogenic impactogenesis from explosive vol-canism. It proceeds at very high temperature to create diaplectic glasses (monomineral pseudo-morphs)-the product of isochoric melting, at the pressure high enough for the stable forma-tion of very high-density minerals (coesite, stishovite, diamond, lonsdaleit, and chaoite). The paper describes the proposed models of diamond formation both in meteoritesand in kimberlite and lamproite bodies, metamorphic complexes and explosive-ring structures (“astroblemes”). The diamond distribution in meteorites (chondrites, iron meteorites and ure-ilites) is restricted to taenite-kamasite phase. The diamond generation here is tied up with thefirst stage of evolution of the planets. This stage is characterized by high pressure of hydrogen, leading to the formation of the planet envelope. The second stage of planet evolution beganwith the progressive impoverishment of their atmospheres in hydrogen due to its predominantemission into the space and to progressive development of oxidative conditions. The model ap-pears to have proved the relict nature of diamond mineralization in meteorites. Diamond and other high-pressure minerals (its “satellites ”) were crystallized without any exception in the early intratelluric stages of peridotite and eclogite-pyroxenite magma evolut ionjust before the magma intrusion into the higher levels of the mantle and crust where diamond isnot thermodynamically stable. The ultramafic intrusive bodies (bearing rich relict diamonds) inthe base of a plat form appear to be the substrata for the formation of kimberlite-lamproite mag- ma chambers as a result of magmatic replacement. The model explains the polyfacial nature of diamondiferous eclogites, pyroxenites and peridotites and discusses the process of inheritance of the diamond mineralization by kimberlites and lamproites. Diamond productivity of metamorphic complexes is originated by the inheritance of theirdiamonds from the above -lative primary diamondiferous rocks. Larae diamondiferous ex-plosive-ring structures were formed by high-energy endogenic explosions of fluid which came from the Earth’s core. This high energy differs endogenic impactogenesis from explosive vol- canism. It proceeds at very high temperature to create diaplectic glasses (monomineral pseudo-morphs) -the product of isochoric melting, at the pressure high enough for the stable forma-tion of very high-density minerals (coesite, stishovite, diamond, lonsdaleit, and chaoite).
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