
来源 :上海建设科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheygy
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根据世博交通的来源与特征,分析了对道路交通系统影响较大的区域与敏感点,确定了道路系统在世博会期间的策略与保障目标。按照市外、郊区、中心城、周边地区4个层次,进行了转换体系与集约交通行驶线路的规划,根据与后续利用相结合的原则,研究并提出了配套道路系统的建设要求。 According to the origin and characteristics of the Expo traffic, the area and sensitive points that have a great influence on the road traffic system are analyzed, and the strategy and the guarantee target of the road system during the World Expo are confirmed. According to the plan of the transfer system and intensive traffic route according to the city, suburban, central city and the surrounding areas, the construction of the supporting road system is studied and put forward based on the principle of combination with the follow-up.
At 14:28 (2:28 pm) on May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8 earthquake, which was a rare event, occurred in Sichuan Province of China and led to deaths of thousands of p
Background Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) as a storage vehicle of growth factors has been successfully used in clinical applications, but in most cases the platelet
1 规划背景rn发达国家经过200多年的资本主义发展,传统的村庄已经基本不存在,在社会中占绝对主导地位的是工业化大生产,即使是农业也是以庄园经济为基础的社会化大生产,从事