
来源 :职业医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dawancha2010
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随着工业生产的发展,从事丙烯腈作业的工人日益增多,急性职业性丙烯腈中毒也屡见报道,但对急性丙烯腈中毒后遗症的问题都谈论很少。很可能由于对丙烯腈中毒后遗症形成、丙烯腈的贮留蓄积和是否存在慢性影响等问题仍有分歧,使医生在诊断上迟疑不决,以致贻误了对患者的及时、合理治疗以及善后处理,而实际上丙烯腈中毒后遗症在临床上也是存在的。为了加强对急性丙烯腈中毒后遗症的控制和处理,保障工人健康,作者在复习国内外有关急性丙烯腈中毒文献资料的基础上,结合自己的临床实践和对病人长期随访的体会,对急性丙烯腈中毒后遗症的发病机理、诊断及处理提出一些看法,供同道者参考。 With the development of industrial production, the number of workers engaged in acrylonitrile is increasing, and acute occupational acrylonitrile poisoning is also frequently reported. However, the problems of acute sequelae of acrylonitrile poisoning are rarely discussed. It is very likely that the doctors are still in doubt on the diagnosis due to the formation of sequelae of acrylonitrile poisoning, the storage and accumulation of acrylonitrile and the existence of chronic effects, which delay the timely and reasonable treatment of patients and the rehabilitation of patients. In fact, sequelae of acrylonitrile poisoning are also clinically present. In order to strengthen the control and treatment of sequelae of acute acrylonitrile poisoning and protect the health of workers, the author reviewed the literature about acute acrylonitrile poisoning at home and abroad, combined with his own clinical practice and long-term follow-up of patients, Poisoning sequelae pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment put forward some views for the fellow who reference.
U“型土窑洞是在传统直窑的基础上,将两个直窑洞挖通,形成” U型“,既扩大了贮藏量,又改善了通风条件,从 1998~ 1999年度的应用情况得出用” U“型土窑洞贮藏果品是一个投资小、见