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目的了解LED灯生产线存在的职业病危害因素及其危害程度,提出防护建议,以保护劳动者健康。方法采用职业卫生学调查、作业场所职业病危害因素现场检测以及职业健康检查进行综合评价。结果作业场所存在的职业病危害因素主要为煤尘、其他粉尘、一氧化碳、二氧化硫、二氧化锡、铅烟、异丙醇、丙酮、丁醇、环己酮、异氟尔酮、高温、噪声及工频电场。现场检测结果显示丁醇、铅烟超过国家标准限值,其余毒物检测浓度均低于国家标准限值,煤尘的超限倍数值超过国家标准限值,物理因素检测结果除1个岗位噪声强度超标外,其余均低于国家标准限值,工频电场检测结果低于国家标准限值。结论该项目职业病危害种类较多,职业病危害关键控制点是毒物、粉尘岗位。该企业的职业病防护措施基本可行,应着力加强个人防护和严格制度化管理。 Objective To understand the occupational hazards and their harmfulness in the production line of LED lamps and put forward protective suggestions to protect the health of laborers. Methods The occupational health survey, field occupational hazards in the workplace and occupational health examination were carried out to make a comprehensive evaluation. Results The main occupational hazards in the workplace were coal dust, other dust, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, tin dioxide, lead smoke, isopropanol, acetone, butanol, cyclohexanone, isophorone, high temperature, Frequency electric field. On-site test results showed that butanol and lead smoke exceeded the national standard limits, and the concentrations of the remaining toxicants were lower than the national standard limits. The oversized times exceeded the national standard limits. The physical test results included 1 post noise intensity Exceeds the standard, the rest are lower than the national standard limits, power frequency electric field test results below the national standard limit. Conclusion There are more types of occupational hazards in the project and the key control points of occupational hazards are poison and dust post. The enterprise occupational disease prevention measures are basically feasible, efforts should be made to strengthen personal protection and strict institutional management.
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作者简介  于春奇,笔名耕石,字鸿泰,河南省三门峡市公安局峡东分局民警,全国公安文联会员。多年来倾心钻研篆刻艺术,创作手法不拘一格,应用甲骨文、钟鼎文、九叠文、铁线篆书、虫鸟篆等文字种类,仿龟甲、铭文、玉玺、瓦当、钱币、封泥等艺术形式,充分表现出篆刻这一方寸艺术的魅力。其作品多次在全国及省市书法展中获奖并发表于各类报刊。
早在1937年Mahaim发现束室纤维和结束纤维,两者均称为 Mahaim纤维.近年随着电生理研究的深入和射频消融治疗学的进展,才发现Mahaim纤维实际上是起自左房越过三尖瓣环与右束支