认清形势抓机遇 发挥优势求突破

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溧阳是茅山革命老区,工业基础相对薄弱,在苏南属欠发达地区。近年来,我市从认清形势、解放思想入手,采取因地制宜、扬长避短的发展方略,不断挖掘和转换优势,有效地促进了国民经济持续、高效、协调发展。去年全市国民生产总值达47亿元,工农业总产值119.7亿元,实现第三产业增加值10.4亿元,建筑安装工作量达24.1亿元,分别比1991年增长2.67倍、2.17倍、2.59倍和5.89倍,基本实现了三年翻两番的目标。连续跨入全国“百强县”,并且位次不断前移;被国务院和省政策分别命名为“全国粮棉生产大县”和“建筑之乡”。总结溧阳的发展实践,我们在利用优势促发展方面,主要把握了以下三个环节: 一、认清优势,增强信心,在把握趋势中求发展 在市场经济条件下,区域竞争在很大程度上就是领导胆识的竞争。而领导胆识的一个重要方面就是要善于在纷繁复杂的区域形势和客观条件中,审时度势,把握规律,依据本地实际确立一条科学的发展思路。这几年,我们在工作实践中,注意从认清优势入手,通过多角度、多途径、多方位深入思考和挖掘本地优势,经历了由认识到实践,从实践到认识的几次飞跃,不仅使自 Liyang is the old revolutionary base of Maoshan, whose industrial foundation is relatively weak. It is a less developed area in southern Jiangsu. In recent years, the city has taken a clear-cut situation and emancipated the mind to adopt a development strategy that is tailored to local conditions and is based on strengths and weaknesses, constantly tapped and transformed its advantages and effectively promoted the sustained, efficient and coordinated development of the national economy. Last year, the city’s gross national product reached 4.7 billion yuan, total industrial and agricultural output 11.97 billion yuan, the added value of tertiary industry 1.04 billion yuan, construction and installation work amounted to 2.41 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 2.67 times over 1991, 2.17 times, 2.59 Times and 5.89 times, basically achieved the goal of quadruple quadruple. Continuous into the country, “Top 100 counties”, and constantly moving forward position; by the State Council and provincial policies were named “national grain and cotton production county” and “hometown of architecture.” To summarize the development practice of Liyang, we have mainly grasped the following three links in utilizing advantages and promoting development: First, recognize the advantages and enhance the confidence and grasp the development trend In the market economy, the regional competition is to a large extent It is the competition that leads to courage. However, an important aspect of leadership courage is to be good at settling the situation and grasping the law and establishing a scientific development mentality based on local conditions in the complicated and complex regional and objective conditions. In the past few years, in our work practice, we have paid attention to starting from recognizing the advantages and thinking deeply and mining local advantages in many ways, in multiple ways and in different directions. We have gone through several leaps in our understanding of practice and practice, and not only in understanding Make since
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