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  There’s no doubt that cats love us as much as we love them. In fact, some cat behaviors that puzzle, strange or even offend1 people are a cat’s ways of expressing its affection.
  1. Cat Purrs2 发出咕噜声
  Cats’ purr can mean a variety of things, from delight to expressions of concern. And kitty purrs range from soft to mack truck loud. When your cat purrs in your presence, you can be sure she’s expressing her love for you.
  2. Cat Rolling 翻滚
  When kitty throws himself on the ground at your feet, and rolls around, consider this a lov ing greeting and a request for attention. Presenting the tummy3 in this way, the cat is in a vulnerable4 posture. So cats generally reserve the rolling around for people they truly love.
  3. Cat Bunting5 碰触
  When a cat cheek rubs you, head bumps your face, or pushes against you, he leaves his scented6 signature. These behaviors, are expressions of affection cats display to other cats, dogs and their most favorite people.
  4. Cat Scratching7 抓挠
  Cat scratching leaves both scented and visual marks of ownership. Pay attention to where your cat scratches the most. The areas most important to kitty often are related to those places associated with the owner, like a favorite chair where you sit.
  5. Cat Kneading8 揉踩
  Kneading behaviors—front paw treading on soft surfaces happen when they’re feeling most relaxed and content, and that’s often when being petted on the owner’s lap. Kneading is an obvious expression of adoration9.
  6. Cat Gifting 馈赠礼物
  Hunter cats that catch everything from toys to bugs, mice or frogs, often share them with those they love. Kitties who present you with the gifts deserve praise. They wouldn’t bring these special gifts if they didn’t love you.
  7. Cat Playing 玩耍
  Kittens play out of pure enjoyment, and many never outgrow playtime. Some cats may actually control the interaction of petting by moving just out of reach—so you must go to them.   小猫玩耍出自于纯粹的享受。许多猫不会随着长大而减少玩耍的时间。实际上有些猫窜出你可及的范围是与你的爱抚互动,所以你得跟着他们一起去。
  8. Cat Sleeping 睡觉
  As sleep champs, felines10 typically sleep up to 16 hours a day. Because they are most vulner able during sleep, the place your cat chooses to sleep must be in a secure and trusted location. There is no greater loving compliment than a cat choosing your lap for a favorite sleep spot.
  9. Cat Eyes 眼睛
  A kitty’s eyes are very large—if human’s eyes were the same proportion11, our eyes would be eight inches across!As such, cat eyes are important for survival, yet extremely vulnerable. Cats that place their faces and wide open eyes near a human express great trust and love.
  10. Cat Tails 尾巴
  Cats also signal their love when they approach you with the tail held straight up, and the end slightly tipped over. Kittens use this to greet their mother—and adult cats continue to treat their favorite humans like a beloved mom, with tails flagged high in respect.
  11. Cat Meowing12 喵喵叫
  Cats rarely meow at other cats. Kitty uses these specifically to interact with her people. Do you make a point to talk with those you dislike? Neither do cats!Even when kitty pesters13 you with lots of meows, she’s interacting with you out of love.
  12. Cat Grooming14 梳洗打扮
  Cats spend an enormous amount of time self grooming. They also groom each other, but shared grooming behaviors only happen between friendly cats. Kitties that groom their human by licking your skin or hair, or even nibbling or sucking on your clothing, indicates great affection. This spreads familiar scent and helps mark you as an important part of her family group.
  13. Cat Butts15 嗅屁股
  Cats offer it to only their most trusted, beloved people. When your cat jumps on your lap and presents her tail in your face, the invitation is obvious—not that you need to sniff16. Because kitties identify each other by scent, butt sniffing is like giving someone a very personal handshake.
  1. offend [ ] vt. 冒犯;使……不愉快
  2. purr [ ] vt. 发出喉音 3. tummy [ ] n. 肚子
  4. vulnerable [ ] adj. 易受攻击的;易受伤害的;有弱点的
  5. bunt [ ] vt. 顶撞
  6. scent [ ] n. 气味;嗅觉 vt. 闻到;发觉;使充满……的气味
  7. scratch [ ] vt. 抓;刮;挠 8. knead [ ] vt. 揉合,揉捏;按摩
  9. adoration [ ] n. 崇拜;爱慕 10. feline [ ] n. 猫科动物 adj. 猫科的
  11. proportion [ ] n. 比例 12. meow [ ] vi. 猫叫
  13. pester [ ] vt. 纠缠,烦扰 14. groom [ ] vt. 整饰 vi. 打扮
  15. butt [ ] n. 屁股vt. 碰撞 16. sniff [ ] v. 嗅
单词识记    1. bathing n. 游泳,洗澡; n. bath 洗澡;  v. 给……洗澡  2. suit n. 一套衣服,服装 ;v. 适合;adj. suitable 合适的,适宜的  3. water v. 浇灌,浇水;n. 水  4. chop v. 砍,劈,剁;n. chopper 大砍刀,小斧头  5. wood n. 木头,木材;n. woods 森林;adj. wood
何谓真正的成功?  在人生的旅途中,有一些人总是在追名逐利,并把这看作是促使他们获取成就的动机。但在我看来,真正的成功,并不取决于你的收入多少,或者你所处的社会阶层,而是来自于真正属于你自己的快乐和满足。  伽利略,是我崇敬的一位意大利科学家,同时也是世界上最伟大的科学家之一。正是他对于科学的兴趣才促使他在这一方面深有造诣。在他的一生中,他有许多伟大的发明,并且提出了许多新的让人类受益的物理和天文
第I卷 (選择题 共85分)  第一部分 听力部分(略)  第二部分 笔试部分  二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)  从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。  ( )26. —let’s go swimming.  —______.  A. It’s a pleasure B. You’re welcome  C. Thanks a lot D. It’s a
在考试之前,你没必要感到恐慌。虽然在考试头几天晚上你也做不了太多,但你仍然可能有所收获。  ☆Eat Some Brain Food. 吃点健脑食品。  Brain food is definitely not Cocoa Puffs. Get some eggs for dinner, drink some green tea, and follow it all with a few bite
形容词是中考英语中必考的语法知识点。本文将主要对考试中常见的几种考查形容词的方式进行归纳总结,并对最新中考中出现的相关真题进行分析,希望能对大家的中考复习和备考有所帮助。  【热门考点】  1. 形容词在句中的基本用法;  2. 形容词比较等级的构成及用法;  3. 形容词比较等级的常用句型。  一、形容词的功能  形容词是用来说明人或事物是什么样或看上去怎么样;形容词在句中一般可作定语、表语、宾
——蓦然  武汉,这是一场梦  一觉醒来,万里晴空  人们喜气洋洋,四处走动  购物、拜年,聆聽深夜的鞭炮声  水果店人满为患  新风衣迎风飘展  偶尔也会听说医生加班问诊  没有口罩,没有护目镜  只有你一贯潦草的处方  炉子上吊着的排骨藕汤  溢出妈妈的味道  阳台上晒着的腊鱼腊肉,还有香肠  武汉的烟火味道 真香  武汉,这是一场梦  恋人照常牵手、拥抱  剧院的贺岁片照常播放  孩子们江边
摘 要 积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,逐步改变以教师为中心、课堂为中心和书本为中心的局面,促进学生创新意识和实践能力的发展,是当前小学语文教学改革的基本理念之一。要改变学生单一、被动的学习方式,就是要给予学生更多的自主探究、合作学习、独立获取知识的机会。语文教学要以学生为主体,教师就要转变角色,要成为学生学习的引导者、帮助者。因此,教师在教学设计时就应该给学生预留探索创新的时空,让语文课堂活
亲爱的朋友们,你想要拯救环境吗?你想成为一个更环保的人吗?你可能无法改变自己的一切,但我们可以从点滴做起,从现在做起。Just do it now!  1. Think Green 绿色意识  Challenge yourself to think about the environment as you live your life. If you shut off lights when yo
It is always raining these days. I can hear rain outside every day. Last night it was raining hard. It hit the windows heavily and I felt a bit frightened. My parents went to visit my grandpa in hospi