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今年的高考作文题,是在对历年高考作文题作科学反思与前赡后成熟的选择,是一次成功的尝试。 首先命题具有开创性。今年采用三材两题的形式,而不像以往那样,仅提供一则材料要求多题多体作文。今年的作文试题,小作文根据“材料1”写,大作文根据“材料2”、“材料3”写,三材两题互不制约,一题得失不影响另一题写作,有效地增加了考试的信度。另外,按要求大作文写作也可结台“材料1”,是否结合由考生自由决定,命题者设计的三则材料之间有一定关系而不是毫不搭界。这样就加大了选择材料的自由度,便于考生充分自如地发挥水平。 其次是题型的综合性。今年的作文试题是—“小”—“大”的格局。小作文主要是行动描写,重点考查考生的想象力和描写能力,若扩大看,是考查考生的记叙能力。大作文意在考查考生对供材料写议论文的抽象思维能力和分析问题的能力。因此,从能力考查的角度看,今年的作文题具有综合性。 第三,作文材料渗透思想性。今年的作文命题表现出的思想性和现实意义更加突出,三则材料本身对考生来说就是一次思想测试,是“乐于助人”还是“悄然走开”? 在深深的思索中启迪考生,中华民族几千年形成的传统美德,直到今天仍须继承并赋予新的时代内容而加以发扬,这也是社会主义精神文明的重要部分。 谢谢各地? This year’s college entrance examination essay question is a successful attempt to make a scientific reflection on the college entrance examination essay questions for the past year and to mature after the essay. The first proposition is groundbreaking. This year adopts the format of three questions and two questions instead of just providing one material for multiple questions and multiple compositions. This year’s essay test questions, small compositions written according to “Material 1”, large compositions written according to “Material 2”, “Material 3”, three materials and two questions are not mutually constrained, a gain or loss does not affect the writing of another problem, effectively increased The reliability of the exam. In addition, according to the requirements of large composition writing can also be the end of “Material 1”, whether the combination of free decision by the candidates, the proposition of the design of the three materials have a certain relationship between rather than no connection. This increases the freedom of choice of materials so that examinees can fully and freely perform. Followed by the comprehensive type of questions. This year’s essay test questions are - “small” - “big” pattern. A small composition is mainly an action description, focusing on the candidate’s imagination and description ability. If he expands, he examines the examiner’s ability to describe the story. The big essay is intended to examine the abstract thinking ability and analytical ability of the candidates for writing argumentative materials on the materials provided. Therefore, from the point of view of ability examination, this year’s composition question is comprehensive. Third, the composition material penetrates the mind. This year’s essay proposition shows more ideological and practical significance. The three materials themselves are a thought test for candidates. Are they “helping others” or “go quietly away?” Enlighten candidates, the Chinese nation, with deep thinking The traditional virtues that have been formed for thousands of years have still to be inherited and given new content of the times to be carried forward. This is also an important part of the socialist spiritual civilization. Thank you everywhere?
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