
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dej0415
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我国核战略武器的发展,起步于五十年代中期是在极端困难的条件下,主要依靠自己的力量,按照中国的特点发展起来的,经过二三十年的时间,取得了举世瞩目的光辉成就,是目前世界上能够掌握核技术和空间技术的五个主要国家之一,也是我国获取国际有利战略地位的一个重要因素。这个巨大成就的取得是党中央正确决策的结果,也是与毛泽东、周恩来的亲自领导和积极努力分不开的。他们在领导我国核技术发展的长期实践中,积累了十分丰富和宝贵的经验,并形成了一系列重要的战略思想,成为建国后毛泽东军事思想发展的一个重要组成部分。深入总结这些经验,学习和研究这些思想,对于我们了解历史,正确指导国防工业的发展,加强国防现代化建设,都有着十分重要的意义。 The development of China’s nuclear strategic weapon started in the mid-1950s under the extremely difficult conditions. It mainly relied on its own strength and developed in accordance with the characteristics of China. After two or three decades, it has made remarkable achievements in attracting worldwide attention Is one of the five major countries in the world capable of mastering nuclear technology and space technology and is also an important factor in our country’s position of gaining an internationally favorable strategic position. The achievement of this great achievement is the result of the correct decision made by the party Central Committee and is also inseparable from the personal leadership and active efforts of Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. In their long-term practice of leading the development of nuclear technology in our country, they have accumulated rich and valuable experiences and formed a series of important strategic ideas, which have become an important part of the development of Mao Zedong’s military thinking after the founding of our nation. To sum up these experiences in depth and study and study these ideas are of great significance for us to understand history, correctly guide the development of the national defense industry and strengthen the modernization of our national defense.
我身边所有人都说,我的妹妹铃铛是我妈亲生的,但我明明记得,妈妈的肚子一直是瘪的,然后突然有一天,我从幼儿园放学回家,就看见家里多了一张婴儿床,一个粉嫩的婴儿躺在里面。  但妈妈的偏心消除了我的疑虑。我爸爸好歹也是个老板,我作为家里五代单传的男丁,在妈妈眼里却不如铃铛宝贝。铃铛穿的都是大品牌,晚上和妈妈睡一张床,上学有司机接送……而我,两岁起就自己睡一个房间,上学只能坐校车……妈妈的说辞是“穷养儿子
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