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近闻,某商城扩建投入使用后不久突然起火,当消防人员赶到时发现,商城周围只有改造前的14个地面消火栓,其中3个已坏,2个被埋没,且水压又低,远远不能满足灭火时的供水需要.时下,随着《消防条例》等法规的深入宣传,人们的消防意识逐步提高,消防设施“三同时”在许多单位都得到贯彻实施,特别是消火栓,各单位都基本上按照消防部门的要求,配备了地面消火栓或墙式消火栓.然而,许多单位配备了消火栓后基本上处于无人管理的状态,有的单位消防管理人员是兼职的,单位内共有几个消火栓、配备位置在哪里心中无数,更谈不上检查、维护;有的单位多年没有发生火灾后,消火栓就没人去检查、维护;有的单位配备消火栓是为了应付上级安全检查,根本没有从思想上认识到消火栓的重要作用.如此等等,一旦发生火灾,有的消火栓已被掩没,有的已经损坏不能用,还有的不能出水,有的消火栓即使能出水,因内部锈块堵住等原因造成水压偏低,往往满足不了灭火的需要,导致延误了战机. Recently, a mall suddenly put out fire shortly after it was put into use. When the firefighters arrived, it found that there were only 14 ground fire hydrants before the renovation of the mall, of which three were broken, two were buried, and the pressure was low and far Far from meeting the water supply needs of fire extinguishing.Nowadays, with the “Fire Regulations” and other laws and regulations in-depth publicity, people’s awareness of fire gradually increased, firefighting facilities, “three simultaneous” in many units have been implemented, especially fire hydrants, Are basically equipped with fire hydrant or wall fire hydrant in accordance with the requirements of the fire department.However, after many units are equipped with fire hydrants, they are basically in an unmanaged state. Some firefighting management personnel are part-timers and several units Fire hydrants, equipped with numerous places where the heart, let alone check and maintain; some units after years of no fire, the fire hydrant no one to check and maintain; some units equipped with fire hydrant is to meet the higher security checks, there is no from Ideally aware of the important role of fire hydrants. So, etc., in the event of a fire, some fire hydrants have been masked, and some have been damaged can not be used, and Not the water, and some can even fire hydrant water, causing low water pressure due to internal rust block blocked and other reasons, often can not meet the needs of the fire, leading to delayed aircraft.
内省智力即进入自己的内心世界,了解自己的智力。国际21世纪教育委员会指出:教育的使命是教会孩子懂得人类的多样性、相似性和依存 Introspection is to enter their own in
一、基本情况: 无定河是黄河中游较大的一级支流,发源于我市白于山区,干流全长491公里,流域面积30260平方公里。我市属于无定河流域的有8个县(区)的136 个乡镇,2629个村,160
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