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目的 探讨肝豆状核变性的颅脑MRI表现特点与病程及神经体征的关系.资料与方法 对临床和实验室检查证实的93例肝豆状核变性患者均进行颅脑MRI平扫.对颅脑有异常表现的病例根据病程分为三组,采用χ~2检验评估病程与病变部位的相关性.结果 颅脑MRI无异常发现15例,有异常发现78例,有6例仅表现为脑萎缩,阳性率为83.9%.脑MRI异常信号发病部位依次为豆状核(69/72)、中脑(28/72)、尾状核头(17/72)、丘脑(24/72)、桥脑(23/72)、额叶(7/72)、胼胝体压部(4/72)、齿状核(6/72)、小脑中脚(1/72)、枕叶(1/72),脑萎缩59例.桥脑病变与病程有统计学意义(χ~2值=6.488,P值<0.05),其他病变部位与病程无统计学意义.结论 肝豆状核变性颅脑M砌表现与临床症状关系尚难确定,与病程无明显相关性.“,”Objective To explore the MRI features of HLD,and to study the correlations between the MRI features with clinical data,such as the duration of the disease and the neurologic symptoms in HLD.Materials and Methods 93 patients with HLD confirmed by clinical and experiment results performed plain MRI scanning.The cases with abnormal appearances were divided into 3 groups accorded to the duration of the disease.The correlation between the abnormal appearances and the duration of the disease was compared with χ~2 test.Results Among the 93 patients,15 of brain were showed normal and 78 abnormal on MRI.The positive rate of MRI finding was 83.9%.The abnormal MRI signal were located in the double or single basal ganglia,brain stem,thalami,lobus frontalis,splenium corporis-occipitalis,dentate nucleus,pedunculus cerebellaris medius,lobus occipitalis and/or brain atrophy.The lesions involved the nucleus lentiformis in 69(69/72),the mesencephalon in 28(28/72),the caput nuclei caudati in 17(17/72),the thalami in 24(24/72),the pons in 23(23/72),the lobus frontalis in 7(7/72),the splenium corporis-occipitalis in 4(4/72),the dentate nucleus in 6(6/72),the pedunculus cerebellaris medius in 1(1/72),the lobus occipitalisin 1(1/72),brain atrophy in 59(59/93).There was correlation between the abnormal appearances located in the pons and the duration of the disease(χ~2 =6.488,P<0.05).There was no correlation between the abnormal appearances located in other regions and the duration of the disease.Conclusion It is difficult to decide the correlation between the MRI findings and the neurologic symptoms in patients with HLD.There was no significant correlation between the MRI finding and the duration of the disease in HLD cases.
目的 采用功能性磁共振方法对梗死后抑郁症(PSD)患者观察正性、中性、负性情绪图片后的脑功能成像差异.资料与方法 对11例PSD患者和15名健康志愿者(NORM)进行正性、中性、负
一、背景分析 (一)社会背景 近来关于青年工作现状的负面报道频频见诸报端,其中提到最多的是富士康“N连跳”事件,青年作为面临失业的主要群体,在全世界范围内青年的失业率基
目的 探讨类风湿关节炎并冠心病患者甲襞微循环状态变化情况.方法 选取德阳市人民医院2016年1月-2017年1月收治的类风湿关节炎并冠心病患者54例为A组,另选取本院同期类风湿关
北齐储君的建立与皇位继承问题密切相关 ;其东宫建制比较完善 ,也颇重视东宫教育、培养 ,但对巩固储君地位的作用不大 ;客观政治形势、后宫娄太后权力过大等因素造成北齐“兄
摘要:中国首期融资借贷维度互联网化指数为108.5,已经超过100,这一数字说明网络贷款对需要融资贷款的人产生了一定的推动作用,已经初步体现出金融互联网化的成效。互联网金融的进步,带动了我国资本市场的发展和经济的进步。本文对金融互联网化的成效做简单探讨。  关键词:金融互联网化 金融 成效  中图分类号:F724 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5349(2019)06-0067-02  一、
又一个金秋十月,桂花盛开的季节。  我家的房前屋后,却没了那淡雅的黄色星光,失了那沁人心脾的清甜芬芳,我不由得怅然若失。  桂花树早已不在了。  那桂树,也不知在我家长了几年,生得枝繁叶茂。夏天,她伸长了胳膊,就遮出好大一片阴凉。  自我记事起,每年秋天,便会有桂花相伴。然而,幼稚的自己只觉得很好看。于是,便萌生出一个新游戏——摇桂花。当然,人小,力量总是不够的,便又拿棍子去敲,于是稍低点的桂花都