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本期刊登了三篇有关苏联在电磁场中成形的连续铸造(或叫电磁结晶槽铸造)的文章,今后还要陆续刊登。这种方法是苏联在外国的方法的基础上加以改进和完善而提出的。苏修为在资本主义国家谋利,曾先后在几个国家申请过这种方法的专利。1969年和1970年在美国申请过两次(专利号3605865和3646988,后者在本刊这期刊登),1970年9月取得了西德专利(2121978)。当这一技术发表后,世界许多杂志作了介绍。据美国《现代金属》1972年第8期报导,这种电磁场中成形的铸造方法正在西半球引起广泛注意。凯撒铝公司最近宣布同苏联有关方面签订了协议,从而取得了这种生产方法的专门技术和专利许可。雷诺金属公司在1971年12月也签订了同样的协议。据报导,阿尔康铝公司曾经研究了这种方法。阿尔卡铝公司则声称对此兴趣不大。该公司的科学家在三年前就注视了这种方法,但他们说,他们自己的方法能够生产出在质量上至少可以同苏联这种方法生产的不相上下的铸锭。雷诺金属公司的一位负责人说,采用这种方法,由于铸锭不用车皮,每磅金属能节省一美分。予计这家公司所加工的金属有80%最终将用这种方法铸造。据报导,这种方法使用的设备已运往雷诺公司在阿拉巴马州设菲而德的工厂。它是引入这种方法于1972年9—10月进行生产的第一家美国的铝公司。 This issue contains three articles on the continuous casting of the Soviet Union in the electromagnetic field (or called electromagnetic crystallization tank casting) and will be published one after another in the future. This method is proposed by the Soviet Union on the basis of foreign methods to be improved and perfected. Soviet revisionism for the benefit of capitalist countries, has successively applied for this method in several countries the patent. Two applications were made in the United States in 1969 and 1970 (Patent Nos. 3,605,865 and 3,646,988, the latter of which are published in this issue) and the West German Patent (212,1978) in September 1970. After the technology was released, many magazines in the world introduced it. According to the United States, “Modern Metals” No. 8, 1972, reported that casting in the electromagnetic field casting method is causing widespread attention in the Western Hemisphere. Caesar Aluminum recently announced the signing of an agreement with the parties concerned in the Soviet Union to obtain the expertise and patenting permission for this method of production. The same agreement was signed by Renault Metal in December 1971. It is reported that Alcon Aluminum Company once studied this method. Alcazar claims no interest in it. The company’s scientists watched the process three years ago, but they said that their own method could produce an ingot that was at least comparable in quality to that produced by the Soviet Union. A chief executive at Renault Metals said using this method would save one cent per pound of metal due to the ingot being free of wagons. It is estimated that 80% of the metal processed by this company will eventually be cast in this way. Equipment reported to be used in this method has been shipped to Renault’s Finphen plant in Alabama. It was the first U.S. aluminum company that introduced this method in September-October 1972.
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