乡镇企业遗留问题 政府部门怎样破解——关于山西天龙啤酒饮料集团有限公司土地权属争议问题的调查与思考

来源 :政府法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiazibin
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作为有中国特色社会主义的乡镇企业,已经成为我国国 民经济的重要组成部分,但在发展中乡镇企业也不可避免地 产生了分化,一些衰落淘汰,一些勉强维持,一些发展壮大。由 于乡镇企业是一种集体所有制性质的企业形态,与其原有投 资主体即村委会有着千丝万缕的联系,随着乡镇企业与村委 会作为两个独立主体的身份日益显现和明晰,围绕利益关系 难免产生一些矛盾与冲突,特别是在村“两委”班子发生变化 时,这类潜在矛盾往往突然激化,如果处理不好,势必影响到 企业的发展和村民、股东、职工的利益乃至社会的稳定。最近, 太原著名乡镇企业--山西天龙啤酒饮料集团有限公司(原 太原天龙啤酒厂,以下简称天龙啤酒公司)与太原市万柏林区 小井峪乡彭村村民委员会就因土地权属等问题产生了矛盾, 本刊记者对此进行了深入采访。 As a township and village enterprise with socialism with Chinese characteristics, it has become an important part of our national economy. However, in the course of development, township and village enterprises inevitably have had their own differentiation. Some of them have been eliminated and some have been barely maintained and some have grown stronger. As township enterprises are a form of collective ownership, they are inextricably linked to their original investors, namely village committees. As the identities of township enterprises and village committees as two independent entities are increasingly apparent and clear, Some contradictions and conflicts will inevitably arise around the interest relations. In particular, such potential contradictions often intensify suddenly when the village “committees and committees ” change. If not handled properly, the development of enterprises and the villagers, shareholders and workers will inevitably be affected Interest and even social stability. Recently, the well-known township and village enterprises in Taiyuan-Shanxi Tianlong Beer and Beverage Group Co., Ltd. (formerly Tianlong Beer Brewery, hereinafter referred to as Tianlong Beer Company) and Pengcun Villager’s Committee of Xiaojingyu Township in Wanbailin District of Taiyuan City, Contradictions, our correspondents conducted an in-depth interview.
要把社会效益放在首位, 努力实现社会效益和经济效益的最佳结合,是党中央在十四届六中全会决议中提出的基本要求,也是我们文化宫工作必须为之努力的目标。然而如何正确认识
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1 案情简介2 0 0 1年 6月 5日 ,合浦县卫生局接到举报 ,白沙镇东海村妇幼保健员刘某私自为东风村一产妇接生 ,胎儿和胎盘娩出后产妇出现大出血 ,后经白沙镇卫生院抢救无效 ,
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