全区科技创新大会在南宁举行 郭声琨马飚出席并作重要讲话

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深化科技体制改革,推动广西创新发展。9月29日,全区科技创新大会在南宁举行。自治区党委书记、自治区人大常委会主任郭声琨,自治区主席马飚出席会议并作重要讲话。会议强调,要深入贯彻落实全国科技创新大会精神,从全局和战略的高度,进一步增强责任感、紧迫感和危机感,全面深化科技体制改革,加快广西创新体系建设,举全区之力建设创新型广西,把提高自主创新能力贯穿于经济社会发展的全过程和各方面,激发全社会全方位创新,使创新成为驱动经济社会发展的主导力量,为实现富民强桂新跨越提供强有力的科技支撑。郭声琨代表自治区党委、政府向荣获表彰的先进单位和先进个人表示热烈祝贺,向全区广大科技工作者表示亲切问候。他说,今年7月召开的全国科技创新大会,是在我国深 Deepen the Reform of Science and Technology System and Promote Guangxi Innovation and Development. September 29, the region's science and technology innovation conference held in Nanning. Guo Shengkun, secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region and director of the NPC Standing Committee, and Ma Biao, chairman of the autonomous region, attended the meeting and made important speeches. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference, further enhance the sense of responsibility, urgency and crisis from the perspective of overall situation and strategy, deepen the reform of science and technology system in an all-round way, speed up the construction of innovation system in Guangxi, Guangxi, to improve the capability of independent innovation throughout the entire process and all aspects of economic and social development, to stimulate all-round innovation in society, to make innovation a leading force driving economic and social development, and to provide strong scientific and technological support . Guo Shengkun, on behalf of the party committee and government of the autonomous region, extended warm congratulations to the advanced units and advanced individuals who have won the award and expressed his cordial greetings to the vast scientific and technological workers in the region. He said that the national scientific and technological innovation conference held in July this year is deep in our country
黑猩(xing)猩在食物缺少的时候,为了独吞食物, 在已预知有香蕉(jiāo)的路上,遇到别的黑猩猩时,它就示意别处有食物,当同类被骗(piàn)走以后,它却迅速奔向有香蕉的地方。 W
国宝大熊猫经常会作为和平的使者,承 (chéng)担架(jià)起友谊桥梁的重任。它相貌可爱,性格温顺,但有时候也会表现出我们意想不到的勇敢。 National treasure giant panda