贯彻全国高校党建工作会议精神 开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动 扎实做好全省高校党建工作——省委副书记、省委教育工委书记王侠在第十七次全省高校党建工作会议上的讲话摘要

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3月18日,第十七次全省高校党建工作会议暨开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动动员大会在西安召开。会议的主要任务是贯彻全国高校党建工作会议精神,回顾总结去年工作,研究安排今年全省高校党建工作任务,对开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动进行动员部署。省委副书记、省委教育工委书记王侠出席会议并讲话。省委常委、省委组织部部长李锦斌主持会议。王侠同志的讲话共分为四部分:一、去年我省高校党建工作取得了显著成绩;二、扎实开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动;三、全力做好今年高校党建工作;四、狠抓各项工作任务的落实。现将第三部分的讲话内容摘要如下: On March 18, the 17th meeting of the party building in colleges and universities throughout the province and the mobilization meeting for conducting in-depth study and practice of the scientific concept of development were held in Xi’an. The main task of the conference is to carry out the spirit of the conference on party building in colleges and universities in the whole country, review and review the work of last year, study and arrange the tasks of party building in colleges and universities in the whole province this year, and mobilize and deploy the activity of conducting in-depth study and practice of the scientific concept of development. Wang Xia, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Provincial Education Commission, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Li Jinbin, member of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Organization Department, presided over the meeting. Comrade Wang Xia’s speech is divided into four parts: First, the party building in colleges and universities in our province made remarkable achievements last year; second, earnestly carried out in-depth study and practice of scientific concept of development; third, fully committed to the party building in colleges and universities this year; and fourth, pay close attention to The implementation of various tasks. The third part of the speech is summarized as follows:
2006年,张洪贞被徐州市纪委评为“勤廉双优村干部”;2007年,丁场村被确定为江苏省新农村建设示范村;2008年,张洪贞被评为徐州市“五星”村党组织书记…… In 2006, Zhang Ho