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清朝宣统年间,在上海市有一个闻名于世的游乐场所,这就是上海“大世界”。就在这个闻名中外的游乐场所,曾经有一位闻名遐迩的杂技女伶,她就是号称“飞刀女王”的孙玉伶。孙玉伶出生于河北吴桥县孙龙村一个杂技世家,从小跟父亲学得一身杂技绝技,但她没有跟父亲从艺,父亲闯江湖外出卖艺,她却守着母亲靠耕纺度日。一年夏季,家乡遇上了百年不遇的大旱灾,赤日炎炎,褐土焦焦,庄稼籽粒 During the Qing Dynasty Xuantong years, there was a world famous playground in Shanghai, which is Shanghai “Great World ”. In this famous playground at home and abroad, there was a famous acrobatic actress, she is known as “Flying Queen” Sun Yuling. Sun Yuling was born in Heilongjiang Wuqiao County Sun Longcun an acrobatic family, grew up with her father learned a acrobatic stunt, but she did not learn from his father, his father Chuangjiangshu go out to prostitutes, she was guarding the mother by the tillage spinning day. One summer, his hometown met a rare drought in a hundred years, hot weather, cinnamon coke, crop grain
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为全面认识国际热爆炸研究的主题聚类、趋势与影响,使用科技文本挖掘工具VOSviewer对科睿唯安SCI数据库中的1 415篇热爆炸研究论文进行了分析.结果表明:国际热爆炸研究的热点