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文学与政治的关系一直是文学研究无法回避的话题,文学与政治的联姻与疏离也深刻地反映着中国文学的演进与变革。本期刊发的这组笔谈,围绕文学与政治的关系,选择了中西方文学不同时段、从不同角度加以论证。张奎志教授的《大时代·小时代·微时代:中国当代文学政治诉求的变迁》,提出将中国当代文学分为“大时代”“小时代”“微时代”三个时期,并依次考察了其与政治不可分割的关系;郭玉生副教授的《西方现代性伦理困境与审美政治话语的建构》以西方审美政治话语作为考察对象,以康德和席勒的政治主张为切入点,得出西方现代性伦理陷入困境的原因;王熙恩副教授的《文学公共性:话语场域与意义增殖》从文学公共性的角度考察了文学话语的场域和意义增殖问题,得出公共话语不能提供文本意义全部敞开的条件,文本意义的增殖只是假象的结论;李鸿雁和王凯波副教授则分别以汉魏叙事诗和汉代屈骚评论作为考察对象,认为它们都具有强烈的情感倾向与政治倾向,是实际政治进程在意识形态领域里的反射和回声。 The relationship between literature and politics has always been an unavoidable topic in literary studies. The marriage and alienation of literature and politics also profoundly reflect the evolution and transformation of Chinese literature. This set of writing published in this issue focuses on the relationship between literature and politics and has chosen different periods of Chinese and Western literature to prove it from different angles. Professor Zhang Kuizhi’s “Big Time, Era, Micro Era: The Vicissitudes of Political Appeal in Chinese Contemporary Literature” put forward that the Chinese contemporary literature should be divided into three periods: “Great Times”, “Little Times” and “Micro Times” And examines its indivisible relationship with politics in turn; Associate Professor Guo Yusheng’s “western modernity ethical dilemma and the construction of aesthetic political discourse” takes the Western aesthetic political discourse as the object of investigation, with Kant and Schiller’s political opinions as the starting point , And draws the conclusion that Western modern ethics is in trouble; Associate Professor Wang Xi’en’s “Publicity of Literature: Discourse Field and Significance Proliferation” examines the field of literature discourse and the proliferation of meaning from the perspective of literary publicity, concludes that public discourse can not Provide the condition that the meaning of the text is all open, and the multiplication of the meaning of the text is only an illusion conclusion; the associate professor Li Hongyan and Wang Kai-bo respectively regard the Han and Wei narrative poems and the Qu Yuan commentary in the Han Dynasty as the object of investigation and hold that both of them have strong emotional and political tendencies The reflection and echo of the actual political process in the field of ideology.
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