全日制十年制小学《语文》课本第七册二十三课选编了《古诗四首》,这四首诗都是唐代诗人的名作,体裁属于近体诗五言绝句,其内容有的写景,有的抒情,或二者兼备。它们大都短小精悍,语言简炼,形象鲜明,感情真实,具有很高的艺术水平,是历来为人们所喜爱和广为传诵的佳作。 (一)《寻隐者不遇》 作者贾岛(779—843),字浪仙,范阳(今北京附近)人。贾岛一生苦心吟诗,写作态度非常认真、刻苦,因而被
The “Four Poems of the Ancient Poetry” was selected from the twenty-third class of the seventh-volume textbook “Chinese” in the ten-year primary school of full-time. These four poems are the masterpieces of the poets of the Tang Dynasty. The genre belongs to the five-character quatrains of the modern style poetry. Some sensation, or both. Most of them are short and concise, with concise language, clear-cut images, true feelings, and high artistic level. They are a masterpiece that people have always loved and spread widely. (1) “The Recluse is Not Encountered” by Jia Dao (779-843), Zilang Xian, Fan Yang (near Beijing). Jia Dao endeavored to write poetry and his writing attitude was very serious and hard.