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生本理念是随着教育改革的推行而逐渐为人们所熟知的一种新型教育理念,它主张实现由“师本教育”向“生本教育”的转变,旨在通过为学生提供一个活泼开放的环境,使学生能够积极主动、健康快乐的发展。初中语文教学也应在生本理念的指导下开展,突破固定的课堂模式,真正将学生作为学习的主体,落实“以生为本”的核心要求,以学定教,展现语文学科的情趣化,激发初中生的学习兴趣,进而提升他们的文学素养,从而实现学生在教师引导下完成自主建构的最终目标。 The concept of student-based education is a new concept of education that is gradually becoming familiar with the implementation of educational reform. It advocates the transformation from “teacher-centered education” to “student-centered education” To provide a lively and open environment, so that students can be proactive, healthy and happy development. Chinese teaching in junior high schools should also be carried out under the guidance of the concept of students, breaking through the fixed classroom model, truly taking students as the main body of study, implementing the core requirement of “taking students as the foundation”, learning to teach and displaying Chinese Fun, stimulate junior high school students interest in learning, thereby enhancing their literary accomplishment, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of self-construction of students under the guidance of teachers.
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