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很多男性朋友都会发现自己的龟头上有小红点点,但都不知道是什么原因。专家介绍,长上小红点是龟头炎的一个症状,一定要引起足够的重视。那么导致龟头上小红点的龟头炎有哪些呢?急性浅表性龟头炎:患处红斑、肿胀、糜烂、渗出;自觉疼痛及瘙痒。多由于摩擦、避孕套(药)、清洁剂等刺激引起。念珠菌性龟头炎:早期潮红,表面散在针尖大小红色丘疱疹,其上覆有点状乳酪样分泌物,脓疱,严重时糜烂,渗出。分泌物见念珠菌孢子及菌丝。多由于患者有长期使用广谱抗菌素或皮质激素,或患糖尿病。 A lot of male friends will find their little bit of red on the glans, but do not know what is the reason. Experts, long red dot is a symptom of balanitis, must attract enough attention. Then lead to the little red dot on the glans balanitis What? Acute superficial balanitis: the affected area erythema, swelling, erosion, exudation; conscious pain and itching. More due to friction, condoms (drugs), detergents and other stimuli caused. Candida balanitis: early flushing, the surface is scattered in the tip size of red mound herpes, which covered with a bit like cheese-like secretions, pustules, severe erosion, exudation. Secretion see Candida spores and mycelium. Mostly due to long-term use of patients with broad-spectrum antibiotics or corticosteroids, or suffering from diabetes.
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摘要:目的:评价龙金通淋胶囊联合盐酸坦索罗辛治疗ⅢB 型前列腺炎相关症状的改善情况。方法:选择符合诊断标准的ⅢB 型前列腺炎患者100例,口服龙金通淋胶囊1 次2 粒,1 日3 次,盐酸特坦索罗辛1次0.2mg,1日1次,疗程6周。以NIH-CPSI评分为指标,治疗前后进行疗效比较。结果:总评分治疗前后分别为26.1±2.6分和11.3±1.4分(P<0.05);疼痛评分治疗前后分别为14.5±2
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