Experimental measurement of growth patterns on fossil corals:Secular variation in ancient Earth-Sun

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:macgrady333
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In recent years,much attention has been given to the increase in the Earth-Sun distance,with the modern rate reported as 5-15 m/cy on the basis of astronomical measurements.However,traditional methods cannot measure the ancient leaving rates,so a myriad of research attempting to provide explanations were met with unmatched magnitudes.In this paper we consider that the growth patterns on fossils could reflect the ancient Earth-Sun relationships.Through mechanical analysis of both the Earth-Sun and Earth-Moon systems,these patterns confirmed an increase in the Earth-Sun distance.With a large number of well-preserved specimens and new technology available,both the modern and ancient leaving rates could be measured with high precision,and it was found that the Earth has been leaving the Sun over the past 0.53 billion years.The Earth’s semi-major axis was 146 million kilometers at the beginning of the Phanerozoic Eon,equating to 97.6% of its current value.Measured modern leaving rates are 5-14 m/cy,whereas the ancient rates were much higher.Experimental results indicate a special expansion with an average expansion coefficient of 0.57H0 and deceleration in the form of Hubble drag.On the basis of experimental results,the Earth’s semi-major axis could be represented by a simple formula that matches fossil measurements. In recent years, much attention has been given to the increase in the Earth-Sun distance, with the modern rate reported as 5-15 m / cy on the basis of astronomical measurements. Despite, traditional methods can not measure the ancient leaving rates, so a myriad of research attempting to provide explanations were conducted with unmatched magnitudes. This paper we consider that the growth patterns on fossils could reflect the ancient Earth-Sun relationships. Through mechanical analysis of both the Earth-Sun and Earth-Moon systems, these patterns confirmed an increase in the Earth-Sun distance.With a large number of well-preserved specimens and new technology available, both the modern and ancient could have been measured with high precision, and it was found that the Earth has been leaving the Sun over the past 0.53 billion years. The Earth’s semi-major axis was 146 million kilometers at the beginning of the Phanerozoic Eon, equating to 97.6% of its current value. Measured modern leaving rates 5 -14 m / cy, while the ancient rates were much higher. Experimental results indicate a special expansion with an average expansion coefficient of 0.57H0 and deceleration in the form of Hubble drag. On the basis of experimental results, the Earth’s semi-major axis could be represented by a simple formula that matches fossil measurements.
一、引 言 超声波在医学临床中的应用可分为诊断与治疗两大类.用于诊断的超声波只作为信息的载体,把超声波射入人体的目的,是通过它与人体组织之间的相互作用获取有关生理与
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女人嫁老公或找男朋友,除了要对感觉,更重要的是,要找“质量上好”的男人。我等质量,乃指国人常说的“面相”。同胞们,找准了,就千万不要脱手啦! Women marry her husband
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