
来源 :艺术品鉴 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JIMCZ
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在多元文化空前发展的今天,我们身边的一切都在扑朔迷离的变化着,伴随着这些变化,人们对财、色、名、利欲望的追求都赤裸裸的显露出来。人们都在被各种利益驱使着,物质越来越丰盛的同时,人们的精神世界却时常被压抑着,找不到心灵的居所。我觉得艺术应该是教人向善的,应该向人们传达一种宁静,一种祥和,让忙碌的人们紧张的心得到慰藉,学会放下过多的欲望和贪念,用新的平和的心态去梳理人生,情感,欲望,自由,幸福,诗意的去对待生活。我试图将中国的佛学禅宗思想融入我的油画创作中,用一种近乎半意象半抽象的方式描绘佛教题材,通过油画的色彩张力以及色彩构成,黑白构成因素去营造画面,使画面带有一种禅意,一种佛境,从而让人们在浮躁和喧嚣的今天能感受到一种宁静和希冀。透过世间的繁杂,回归本真。引领人们向善,感恩单纯的看待名和利。让人们去思索活着的更深层次的意义,我们应该倡导什么,应该宣扬什么样的价值观。透过意象,关照当下人们的心灵世界。 With the unprecedented development of multiculturalism, everything around us is in a complicated and confusing change. With these changes, people’s pursuit of wealth, color, reputation and desire are all exposed nakedly. People are being driven by all kinds of interests. As the material becomes richer and richer, people’s spiritual world is often repressed and homes for the soul can not be found. I think that art should teach people to be good, and should convey a kind of tranquility and peace to the people, so that people who are busy will be relieved of their intense feelings, learn to put aside excessive desire and greed, and adopt a new peace of mind Combing life, emotion, desire, freedom, happiness, poetic treatment of life. I tried to integrate Chinese Buddhism Zen thought into my oil painting creation, using a semi-abstract way of depicting the Buddhist theme in a semi-abstract way. Through painting’s color tension and color composition and black and white components, I created a picture with a Zen, a kind of Buddha, so that people in the impetuous and noisy today can feel a quiet and hope. Through the complex world, return to the real. Lead people to be good, gratitude purely name and benefit. Let people think about the deeper meaning of life, what we should advocate, and what values ​​should be promoted. Through the image, take care of the people’s spiritual world.
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一、文言文教学遇到“瓶颈”  文言文距今时代久远,学生生活在便捷的信息社会,一般不太愿意去接触拗口的古文。据笔者调查了解到:学生们觉得文言文难读又难懂,只是因为要考试,所以才硬着头皮去学自己并不喜欢的文言文。  教师们深受应试教育的影响,为了追求高升学率,在文言文教学时还是采用老的教学模式,逐字逐句地翻译,反复讲解重点字词,要学生牢牢记住并且识记默写,让每一个学生都能过关。对文言文内容及情感的理解