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新浪据香港《文汇报》消息,不久前新浪网总经理颜守俊在出席“亚洲电讯展”的一研计会后表示,该公司不排除将内地的业务安排到二板市场上市的可能,不过这一计划短期内不会实行,还要看一看。他说,公司把 海外来务安排到美国NASDAQ上市,一个重要的原因就是考虑到新浪网是面向全球华人的,在美国上市较在香港更合适。新浪过去也曾考虑过在香港上市,但最后由于香港的高科技企业数量较少,不便于全球战略的展开而放弃。“但如果在内地上市,将在助于内地业务的发展。”颜守俊说。 在此前后,新浪CEO王志东在接受媒体记者采访时也表示,新浪“一 直在研究”分拆部分业务到二板上市的可行性。他说:“我们不排除这种可能,但现在比较谨慎。以前我们想过在香港二板上市,香港的资本市场应该比国内成熟得多,但是在具体讨论时还是发现两边法律环境很不同。如果两边同时上市,在两种法律管理下会产生很多麻烦。所以我们还一直在关注,一切要等二板市场正式出台以后才好说。” 自4月13日以第一个中国门户概念在NASDAQ上市后,作为上市公司的新浪经历了股市暴涨的大喜,也饱尝过股市跌近3美元,外拿不出好看的利润报表,内无颜见国内父老的大悲。新浪最近的日子尤其不好过: According to Hong Kong’s “Wen Wei Po” news, not long ago, Shou Yanjun, the general manager of Sina.com, attended the “Asia Telecommunication Exhibition,” a research meeting after the meeting said that the company does not rule out the possibility of listing the Mainland business to the second board market, but this The plan will not be implemented in the short term, but also take a look. He said that an important reason for the company to arrange overseas affairs to list on the NASDAQ in the United States is that taking into account that Sina.com is oriented towards the global Chinese, listing in the United States is more appropriate than in Hong Kong. Sina has also considered listing in Hong Kong in the past. However, in the end, due to the small number of high-tech companies in Hong Kong, it is inconvenient to give up on the global strategy. “But if it is listed on the mainland, it will help develop the business in the Mainland,” Yan Shoujun said. Before and after this, Sina CEO Wang Zhidong also said in an interview with media reporters that Sina “had been studying” the feasibility of splitting part of its business to the second board. He said: “We do not rule out this possibility, but now we are cautious. Before we thought about listing on Hong Kong’s second board, Hong Kong’s capital market should be much maturer than domestic ones. However, in the course of specific discussions, we found that the legal environment on both sides is very different. If both sides are listed at the same time, there will be a lot of trouble under the management of the two laws. So we have been paying attention to it all and we have to wait until the second board market is formally introduced.” Since April 13th, the concept of the first Chinese portal in the NASDAQ After the listing, Sina, a listed company, experienced a soaring stock market euphoria. It also experienced the stock market fell to nearly 3 US dollars. The company couldn’t get a good-looking profit statement, and there was no domestic grief. Sina’s recent days are particularly bad:
在美国“9·11”事件中,110层高、有着 20多年历史的世贸中心南、北塔楼伴着滚滚浓烟相继倒塌。当你惊诧于这一刻时,是否为正在中国风行的“高层热”捏一把冷汗? In the Uni
11月初获悉,三联家电总公司ERP系统成功通过测试,并全面正式启动。三联家电采用了J.D.Edwards的ERP解决方案,并构建于IBM eServeri系列服务器平台之上。三 At the beginnin
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如果没记错,去年的11月,哈尔滨早已大雪倾城。今年,无论冷冬还是暖冬都似乎都抢不走“雾霾”的风头。没错,那个曾让全国人民谈之色变的雾霾真的来了。面对雾霾,我的心里有点矛盾:好的一面是学校放假,不用上学;坏的一面是,真的呛嗓子,这样的雾霾好让我忧心忡忡。  儿时的哈尔滨好像不是这样的光景。依稀记得,那时夏天的哈尔滨天朗气清,清爽宜人;秋天的哈尔滨天高云淡,秋意满满;冬日的哈尔滨远近闻名,这里简直就是