小麦精密播种是实现高产地块再创高产的一项综合技术措施,它具有播种均匀、苗齐苗壮、根系发达、茎秆粗壮、分蘖多、抗冻、抗旱、抗倒伏、抽穗整齐、穗大、粒多、粒重、省种等优点。 现将小麦精密播种机在作业中的使用及注意事项归纳如下: 1.精密播种的环境要求
Wheat precision sowing is a comprehensive technical measure to achieve high yield and high yield. It has the advantages of uniform sowing, sprouting seedlings, developed roots, stalks, tillering, frost resistance, drought resistance, lodging resistance, Large, more grain, grain weight, provincial species and other advantages. Now wheat precision seeder in the operation of the use and precautions are summarized as follows: 1. Precision sowing the environmental requirements