自1953年举办第一届世界女篮锦标赛以来,世界冠军的宝座一直被美国和前苏联所占据。美、苏称霸世界篮坛四十年的历史以巴西队夺取本届世界锦标赛冠军而告结束,同时,也为世界女子篮球运动写下了新的篇章。 女子篮球的兴起,虽较男子篮球要晚半个世纪,但是,女子篮球男子化的潮流已使女子篮球运动的发展达到了突飞猛进的地步。在悉尼举行的第十二届世界女篮
Since the first World Women Basketball Championships in 1953, the throne of world champions has been occupied by the United States and the former Soviet Union. The history of the United States and the Soviet Union who dominate the world’s basketball for four decades ended with the Brazilian team winning the World Championships. At the same time, it also wrote a new chapter in the world women’s basketball. The rise of women’s basketball, although men’s basketball later than half a century later, but the trend of the men’s basketball basketball has made the development of women’s basketball has reached rapid progress. The 12th World Women’s Basketball held in Sydney