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“戏画”在传统绘画中,是一个别具特色的画种,有“戏画画戏,传神写意,夸张变形,有情有趣”的美誉。擅长戏画者,以海上关良为首,各地名家很多。画戏画,首先必须爱戏、懂戏,不懂戏是不行的。关良不仅好戏,还能登台演戏。其他如北京韩羽,南京马得也都是老戏迷。现在的青年人好多不喜欢戏曲了,实在令人遗憾。我认为作为一个画家不研究一点戏曲,的确是个很大的损失!须知,戏曲和美术有着天然因缘关系,而且中国的戏曲又是一种综合性的艺术,是融文学、美术、音乐、舞蹈等为一体去共同完成形象塑造的艺术,我们从中无疑会得到很大的启迪和教益。不然,梅兰芳为什么迷上了花鸟画,盖叫天和齐白石竟成了艺道密友,都基于他们之间有一种相互沟通、相互补益的密切关系。绘画是作学问的事,不可太狭窄,务须从各方面,尤其是姊妹艺术中去广开自己的学养与知识,才有攀高的可能。中国的艺术乃“江流天地外,月色有无中”,是镜中影、波中月,是江动、月移、石 In the traditional painting, “painting” is a unique type of painting. It has the reputation of “drawing and painting, vivid expression, exaggerated deformation, amorous and interesting”. Good at playwright, led by the sea Guan Liang, many famous. To draw a painting, you must first love the drama, know the drama, do not know the drama is not enough. Liang is not only a good show, but also on stage. Others, such as Beijing Han Yu, Nanjing Horse are also old fans. It is regrettable that many young people nowadays do not like drama. I think as a painter not to study a little drama, is indeed a great loss! There is a natural relationship between opera and art, and Chinese opera is a kind of comprehensive art. It is the art of melting literature, fine arts, music and dance together to accomplish the image shaping. Inspiration and lessons learned. Otherwise, why Mei Lanfang fell in love with flowers and birds painting, cover the sky and Qi Baishi became a civic close friend, are based on mutual communication between them, mutual benefit of the close relationship. Painting is a matter of learning. It is not too narrow. We must broaden our knowledge and practice in various fields, especially in sisters art. China’s art is “outside the rivers and streams, the moon is there”, is mirror in the film, wave in the moon, is moving, moving, stone