
来源 :上海教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DisSmile
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1998年,围绕高考语文测试,在全国引发了关于语文教学一系列问题的大讨论。语文界内外许多人都参与了这场大讨论,对语文标准化命题口诛笔伐,对由“应试教育”引出的一系列荒诞现象,给予了猛烈抨击。随着素质教育逐步深入到学科领域,高考的改革是必然的,它必须促进语文教学改革,它必须服务于素质教育。高考毕竟牵涉到千家万户,怎样改革才能体现素质教育,而又避免在数万考生和数十万家长心中引起过大的心理波动?怎样改革才能使好学生脱颖而出,以确保高考的公平性、公正性?怎样改革才能让语文教师放手教学、有所适从?我想,素质教育的基本思想、基本理念应该指导高考,即把以人为本,以人 In 1998, around the Chinese test of the college entrance examination, a great deal of discussion on a series of problems in language teaching was triggered throughout the country. Many people inside and outside the Chinese language community have participated in this great discussion. They have criticized the language standardization propositions and have given fierce criticism to a series of absurd phenomena induced by “exam-oriented education.” As quality education gradually deepens into the subject area, the reform of the college entrance examination is inevitable. It must promote the reform of Chinese teaching. It must serve quality education. After all, the college entrance examination involves millions of households, how to reform to reflect the quality of education, and to avoid causing too much psychological fluctuations in the hearts of tens of thousands of candidates and hundreds of thousands of parents? How to make the good students come to the fore in order to ensure the fairness of the college entrance examination, Fairness? What kind of reforms can make Chinese teachers let go of teaching and be appropriate? I think that the basic idea and basic idea of ​​quality education should guide the college entrance examination, that is, people-oriented and people-oriented.
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所谓“最值互嵌”问题是指在探索最值的过程中 ,最大最小关系相互嵌套在一起的一种问题 .这类问题通常构思新颖、设问巧妙 ,其解法也颇有峰回路转之妙 ,因而具有较高的思维训
我们把各学校教研组组织的教学研究课 ,各级教研机构组织的观摩课、优质竞赛课等统称为公开课 .其主要特点是除学生听课外 ,还有教师、教研人员等参与听课 ,且课后大都要进行