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如今的车市,也颇有点像三岁小孩的脸,说变就变,全然不顾厂家商家的如意算盘,所以有些车本来挺火的,可卖着卖着就有点卖不动了,而有些车原先不招人待见,可由于降价或人们的口味有变,逐渐又销得好起来。这其中的冷热变化,也很值得玩味。哪些车由热变冷中华中华是上市刚刚一年的新车,它的销售由热变冷的过程让许多中华的经销商都没想到。中华刚上市时,由于品牌所具有的亲和力,特别是宽大气派的外形非常招人,最重要的是2.0 升排量、4.8米长的大车才卖不到17万元,比同档次的车低了大约5万元,远远超过了人们的心理预期,所以一上市就大受追捧,销售量直线上升,最高曾达到月销量4000多辆的辉煌纪录。但是销量大了以后,中华轿车由于完全是自主开发,个别车出现了质量不够稳定的问题,中华的口碑受到影响,销量开始下滑。虽然华晨尽最大努力又对车型进行了多方 Today’s auto market, but also quite a bit like the face of a three-year-old child, that change becomes completely ignored manufacturers wishful thinking, so some of the car was very pretty, can be sold to sell a bit can not sell, and some cars The original not wait for people to see, but because of price cuts or people’s tastes have changed, and gradually sold well. One of the hot and cold changes, it is also worth pondering. Which cars are chilled by heat? Chinatex is a new car that has been on the market for just a year. Many of its distributors in China have never imagined that its sales are being cooled by heat. China just listed, due to the affinity of the brand, especially generous appearance is very recruit, the most important is 2.0 liters of displacement, 4.8 meters long car sold less than 170,000 yuan, than the same grade car Low of about 50,000 yuan, far exceeding the people’s psychological expectations, so a listing is greatly sought after, sales soared, the highest reached monthly sales of more than 4000 vehicles brilliant record. However, after the sales volume was large, the independent development of the Chinese sedans resulted in an unstable quality of individual vehicles. The reputation of China was affected and the sales volume began to decline. Although Brilliance do its utmost to the models carried out in many ways
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目前的跨国公司在中国都加大了研发的力度,以技术换市场成为一种潮流,主要包括摩托罗拉、爱立信、NEC、HP、罗克韦尔、松下、SUN、微软、BEA 等知名国际企业。值得关注的问