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各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各有关部门:国务院召开部署1997年春运期间组织民工有序流动工作电视电话会议以后,各地区、各有关部门积极采取措施,努力落实国务院提出的各项要求,认真做好民工流动的组织、疏导工作,保证了春节前民工流动和交通运输的良好秩序。据有关方面反映,春节后又开始出现新的客流高峰,民工流量明显增加,在一些客运路段、车站客流积压,运量超载。对此,各地区、各有关部门要予以高度重视,把组织民工有序流动工作作为当前一项重要工作进一步抓紧抓好,采取切实措施,动员人力物力,加强疏导工作,确保正常的交通秩序 After the State Council held and deployed the teleconference to organize the orderly flow of migrant workers during the Spring Festival of 1997, various localities and all relevant departments took active measures to strive to implement the various requirements of the State Council, and all relevant departments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, Conscientiously do a good job migrant workers flow organization, ease the work to ensure the flow of migrant workers before the Spring Festival and the good order of transport. According to the relevant authorities, a new peak of passenger flow began to emerge after the Spring Festival. The flow of migrant workers increased markedly. In some passenger sections, the passenger flow of the station was overstocked and the traffic volume was overloaded. To this end, all localities and departments concerned should attach great importance to the orderly flow of migrant workers as an important task for the current time and pay close attention to practical measures to mobilize manpower and resources to step up efforts to divert traffic and ensure normal traffic order
民航总局、国家计委、财政部《关于整顿民航机场代收各种建设基金的意见》已经国务院批准,现转发给你们,请遵照执行。 The Civil Aviation Administration, the State Deve
各区、县(市)人民政府,市府直属各单位,驻穗有关单位: 一办九四年春节旅客运输(下称春运)即将开始。根据各交通运输部门的客流调查,广州地区一九九四年春运的特点是客流量大
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湖北省人民政府令第65号《湖北省口岸管理暂行规定》已经1994年11月5日省人民政府常务会议审议通过,现发布施行。省长贾志杰一九九四年十二月五日 Hubei Provincial People
Normal shock wave, terminating a local supersonic area on an airfoil, limits its performance and becomes a source of high speed impulsive noise. It is proposed
八宝中学座落在江汉平原的明星小镇——松滋市八宝镇的长寿河畔。受长寿河灵雾秀水的滋润,八宝中学春芽文学社于一九九四年春天成立,起步为《春芽》校报,1996年更名为社 Bab