据有关资料介绍,近年来全国煤矿一年平均烧毁电机14,452台,仅修理费就需660.5万元。如果再加上当班或当天应该出的煤因烧毁电机而没有出来所造成的经济损失,那就更可观了。 本文针对煤矿井下怎样预防烧毁电机问题谈谈看法,供参考。 一、预防电机过载 据调查,采区烧毁电机占煤矿井下烧毁电机总数的85—90%,其主要原因之一是长期过载造成的。预防电机过载的措施有:
According to relevant information, in recent years, the average coal mine in the country burned 14,452 electric motors a year, requiring only 6.65 million yuan for repairs. If coupled with on duty or the day should be out of coal due to burning out of the motor and not caused by the economic losses, it is even more impressive. In this paper, how to prevent burned motor coal mine talk about the views for reference. First, to prevent motor overload According to the survey, mining area burned motor accounts for 85-90% of the total number of motor burned coal mine, one of the main reasons for the long-term overload caused. Measures to prevent motor overload are: