在温州,“华士”是个相当响亮的牌子,没人不知道华士服装(中国)有限公司是温州服装界的龙头企业,可对它的创始人曾旭光先生知道的人却不多。提起这位温州服装界“领头羊”曾旭光先生,温州各界知情人都称管他是一个爱国爱乡的优秀企业家。 曾旭光祖籍温州,六十年代从温州医校毕业后,拿起了外科手术刀,后来凭着一层“海外关系”,怀着出去创一番事业的愿望,漂洋过海去了法兰西共和国,来到巴黎
In Wenzhou, “Hua Shi” is a very loud brand, no one does not know Huashi Garment (China) Co., Ltd. is the leading garment industry in Wenzhou, but its founder Mr. Xu Xuguang few people know. Mention the Wenzhou garment industry “leader” Mr. Zeng Xuguang, Wenzhou insiders know that he is a patriotic love of the township of outstanding entrepreneurs. Zeng Xuguang’s ancestral hometown of Wenzhou, after graduating from the Wenzhou Medical School in the 1960s, picked up a surgical scalpel and later relied on a layer of “overseas relations” with the aspirations of going out to create some undertakings and navigating the French Republic , Came to Paris