本刊讯(特约通讯员钱开胜)7月4—5日,广西资源县发生特大暴雨,4小时降雨量达200 mm,当地部分葡萄园被淹,受灾面积达1 380 hm2,其中,绝收面积83 hm2,直接经济损失达4 557万元。资源县是近年来华南地区葡萄发展最快的地区之一,是华南地区最大的无公害优质葡萄(红提)生产基地。这次洪涝灾害对当地葡萄影响重大。灾情发生后,当地有关部门积极组织抗洪救灾。广西特色作物研究院、广西特色水果产业创新团队、桂林市水果办公室、
(From correspondent QIAN Kai-sheng) July 4-5, there was a heavy rainstorm in Ziyuan County, Guangxi Province, with a rainfall of 200 mm in 4 hours. Some local vineyards were flooded and the affected area was 1,380 hm 2. Among them, 83 hm2, direct economic loss of 45.57 million yuan. Resource County is one of the fastest growing grapes in southern China in recent years and is the largest production base of pollution-free and high-quality grapes in southern China. The floods have a significant impact on the local grapes. After the disaster occurred, the local departments concerned actively organized flood relief. Guangxi Crop Research Institute, Guangxi characteristic fruit industry innovation team, Guilin Fruit Office,