
来源 :继续教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crazyapple123
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本刊记者:与本科院校相比,专科院校的继续教育有哪些特点?你们的优势是什么?张亚军:党的十八大报告中明确指出,加快发展现代职业教育,推动高等教育内涵式发展,积极发展继续教育,完善终身教育体系。这为高职院校成人继续教育发展提供了良好契机。高职专科专业设置、办学模式与现代产业、经济发展紧密对接,人才培养目标是以就业为导向,培养出的学生实践动手能力强,适合行业企业需求。优势是:高职教育“学校——企业——社会” Journalists: Compared with the undergraduate colleges, what are the characteristics of continuing education in colleges and universities? What are your strengths? Zhang Yajun: The report of the 18th CPC National Congress made it clear that to speed up the development of modern vocational education and promote the connotation of higher education Development, and actively develop continuing education, improve life-long education system. This provides a good opportunity for the development of adult continuing education in higher vocational colleges. Higher vocational colleges set up professional, school-running mode and modern industries, economic development, docking, personnel training objectives are employment-oriented, cultivate students practice ability, suitable for business needs. Advantages are: Higher Vocational Education “School - Business - Social ”
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