1.学校行政人员重视和关心学生的学习。 2.教师畅所欲言地讨论学生成绩的重要性,学生自己也认识到这种重要性,并认识到教师希望每个学生都取得好成绩。 3.学校聘用校外咨询人员,让他们采用行之有效的参与方法来改善学生的知识与技能方面的不足之处。 4.学校强调整体的直接教学,尽量减少班级内的学习能力分组。 5.教师对好、中、差学习能力倾向的学生一视同仁,同样关心。 6.开展班级内、班级间以及校际的学习竞赛活动。 7.教师给学生上一些测验准备课,布置与测
1. School administrators value and care for students’ learning. 2. The teachers talked about the importance of student achievement, students themselves also recognized this importance, and recognized that teachers want every student to achieve good results. 3. The school hires off-campus counselors to use effective participation methods to improve students’ knowledge and skills. 4. The school emphasizes direct teaching as a whole and minimizes the grouping of learning ability within the class. 5. Teachers equally treat students with good, medium, and poor academic abilities and are equally concerned. 6. Conduct learning competitions in classes, classes, and between schools. 7. Teachers give students some quizzes to prepare classes, layout and test